I'm the bad guy

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Karma's p.o.v.
As I hug the boy before me I couldn't help, but get a strange vibe from him. It almost felt as if I knew him from somewhere, no not because he's my cousin, but like through a connection. Now that I think about it, is Zero really even my cousin at all? I can't really remember and any time my mind crosses the topic it goes all fuzzy.

Like the pictures or memories are entirely blocked out, I chalk it up to Void being a dick, or from all that I've experience in the past few years. Even the fact that I probably only knew him when I was a baby and well, my mind doesn't stretch that far back anymore as far as I am concerned. So, since I have no proof that Zero isn't my cousin, I guess he is. Plus, even though they're blurry, I do see very few memories or Zero and I, but when I try to lead them to anything else it stops. It's almost as if they weren't meant to be there in the first place, but that could just be me being a tired lazy ass.

I had to jump up to hug Zero around his neck since he is a good few inches taller that Gakushuu and Gakushuu is pretty tall compared to me now. I felt Gakushuu's eyes stalking us as Zero wrapped his arms around my legs and lifted me up a bit to keep me from dangling from his neck. I couldn't help, but find my mouth dry and it was hard to swallow, (ya filthy pervs) I turned to Gakushuu "Shuu, my mouth's dry, can you get me some water?" I asked as I gave him puppy dog eyes. He looked really conflicted on leaving me or going to get me some water, but eventually gave in to his need to care for me, he's so sweet.

When he left I happened to notice that Zero was carrying me over to the couch where he sat me down and gave me a look, the look of a predator. "U-um, Zero? Wh-what are you d-doing? I-i d-don't find this very funny-" I say before he cut me off by sticking a rag in my mouth. I would have fought back, but he also managed to tie my arms and legs while I wasn't looking. Not only that, but I happened to feel sleepier and more sluggish since yesterday... In fact, when I talked to Gakushuu about it, didn't​ he say that was the time that Zero had shown up.

Gakushuu said that he had came into my room and stuck his hand on my head, Gakushuu said he thought Zero was praying so he had nothing against it and also thought nothing of it, I'm starting to wish he did though. "Sorry, Bakabane,but you're no longer needed in my plan" he said as he pulled out a little box from his waistcoat "mmph mph!?" I tried to cry out, but it was all muffled, where was Gakushuu?! "Oh? What's this? Well this is a little thing I whipped up myself. It's a serum that, once injected, gives strength to the animalistic and more insane side of a person.

I call it eviloution, great name right? Well, anyways, it's never been properly tested, and I happened to think, hey, let's test it on the one person who I hate the most. Who do I hate the most, you ask? Well that should be a bit obvious silly? It's you of course" he exclaimed in a childish tone while booping me on my nose. I snarled as best as I could, but he only laughed, and by laughed I mean he full on evil villain cackled.

"MMPHMPH" I cried out again, only to be ignored once more, Zero laughed again, no he didn't cackle this time, more like an insane giggle. "Go ahead and cry out all you want, some of my men have already taken out and captured your little boy toy, soon to be mine" he smiled. The words boy toy triggered me, no, no, no, not again, please not again, why again? Please don't take away Gakushuu, not my lover, not the children, not my babies, please. I screaming all of this through the gag, but he couldn't hear a single word, he just included his own input to the topic or his choice.

"I guess you're​ wondering about the kids huh? Well, no need to worry, just a little fiddling with their minds and they'll be playing like harp strings, a beautiful Melody played by my hand, just like you" he explained as he grabbed my chin and gave it a little shake. "I always wanted a little family of my own, and since I can't have one, why not just steal one, right? Well it's not gonna matter soon anyway, with my job they're more likely to die off from that than the torture I'm gonna put them through" he said with a devious smirk.

I finally managed to get the gag off my lips and pushed it away with my tongue "You... You leave them all alone you sick fuck" I growl at him as he tutted. "About time you got that little thing off, I didn't think I removed that much of your strength, damn, if I knew if had that much ​power I would have completely drained you if it was up to me, so be glad it isn't" he chuckled before pulling out and assembling a big syringe with a long needle. "Now this shouldn't hurt a little bit, because it's supposed to hurt a shit ton" he said while sticking the needle in the vial filled with a neon green liquid, taking every single drop.

"Let's see how many inches you can take before you're crying out for me to stop, just like you do for your little toy" he smiled as he stuck the needle on the pulse of my neck. I wouldn't cry out, I wouldn't shed tears, I wouldn't even look his way, I won't give him that satisfaction. "One inch," he counted. "two inches," stop. "three inches," I could feel it poking at my esophagus. "Four, if you want me to stop do it now..." He said, looking a bit hesitant himself. "Five, I'll stop here, don't want you dying" it broke through.

The needle was in my throat but the by time he released the liquid and the moment it hit my stomach, I broke. Bad feelings, bad touches, bad memories, bad sights, everything horrible that has every happened in my life, everything I try so hard to forget, came back to get me. I broke my rules, all four. I was crying out for it to stop. I was crying in pain and at the fear I felt. I was looking directly in his fucking eyes as I pleaded with him to make it stop. All this time, he was smiling.

I, I gave him that satisfaction. As my subconscious slipping away I felt Zero grab my chin and lift my head up to face him "Remember Karma, I'm the bad guy" he said with that same cocky smile and glare in his eyes, with that I black out.

How many of you knew Zero was a villain and was gonna get rid of Gakushuu?

Devildog: *raises hand*

Me: You don't count!

Karma&Gakushuu: *raises hands*

Me: Neither do you!

Everyone else in story: *all raise their hands*

Me: GOD DAMNIT *Triggered*

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