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Hi!! So if you guys don't know, a filler is when the author fills in or gives details to what actually happened to get to the point that they had stated in the last chapter (I know my wording is bad, don't judge me) and this is what it is!! So please enjoy!!
Karen's p.o.v.
I sighed to myself in my head at how boring this situation was. Of course I'm happy I get to be apart or the plan and put my acting skills to the test, but I wish I could actually get some real action.

All of my aunts were still cooing and fussing over me as they wiped the tears and snot from my face. I looked around a bit and saw some of my aunts and uncles started to notice my brothers weren't here, I had distract them and fast. I started fussing and kicking my legs while reaching towards the cut on my leg, uncle Isogai immediately reached over and stopped me as everyone stared at me, worried.

"Ah, no no sweetie, you can't touch your knee, your boo boo is still there and we don't want it to get dirty" he said using a baby voice which I normally would get mad at since no body can do it except mommy, but uncle Isogai is an exception. I pouted again, but nodded my head while glancing around, seeming as if I was bored, but that's when I noticed there was a big blood stain on my yellow dress.

I frowned and patted at it, hoping it would go away, I really liked this dress, it was the first one daddy had even bought for me when he first adopted Gakurei, Hunter, and I. I really really liked it, so much that I hadn't even realized that I had started to cry and whine over it, all of my aunts awwed again. My uncles just looked confused, "What's the big deal? It's just a dress, she can get another one, can't she?" My uncle Terasaka said in his usual loud void that made me cover my ears and whine some more.

My aunt Rio lightly hissed at him, "That's not the point you idiot, the point of the reason she's crying is because that dress is the first one Gakushuu ever bought her after he adopted her and the boys" she stated just as loudly as aunt Okuda held me to her chest covering my ears a bit.

How she knew the noise was irritating me? I'll never know, but what I do know is that the boys chose a perfect moment to sneak back down as I saw them quietly hop down the steps and stand behind uncle Isogai who was paying too much attention to the fight to notice. Hunter said a few of their names while Gakurei was constantly pulling on their pant legs and the ends of dresses, Gakurei and I didn't talk very much.

I sighed as I saw they were getting nowhere, but then saw Hunter motion for me to cry and scream. I couldn't make myself cry anymore and my throat already hurt from screaming so much so I just decided to fuss and point at them, which was enough since all of the adults looked at me then to where I was pointing. "Oh, there you are," Said aunt Kayano "we were looking for you!" Finished aunt Kanzaki "Wait, how did you guys get the medicine box, it's on a high shel- wait how did you even know where it is?" Asked uncle Maehara.

It was then I noticed the boys were covered in dust and bits of trash, I couldn't stop my giggles, they both must have some how fell into the trash can. Uncle Isogai sweatdropped after he realized what he must have done and gave a nervous smile, "Yeah,well, let's not focus on that, at least we have the supplies now" he said quickly as all of the other adults stared at him with suspicious glares.

"Isogai...." They all droned angrily as he started searching the box faster with more sweat on his face; my cut was eventually clean and I even got a Sponge Bob band aid.

After that scenario grandpa Karasuma and Grandma Irina brought us lunch, after we all took a bath of course; truth be told it was weird taking a bath without Gakurei, at the orphanage we all had to bath together, at the same time even, since there was so many kids there. The smaller ones bathed together in the sink while the older ones had to stand together in the showers.

It was a horrible process, yet I kind of miss it, at least then the tubs, we used sinks, weren't so big and it wasn't so lonely by yourself. Even though we bathed separately here we still got dressed together at least, Gakurei and I thought it was funny that Hunter still wore a diaper even though he was 4. Uncle Isogai said that Hunter diaper wearing was just like us and that thus proved even though Hunter was older he was still a little kid like us.

(I'm making them all wear diapers because I think it's cute and there is no actual age limit for kids to stop wearing diapers,deal with it)  Enough of that though because for lunch we got happy meals, we even got cool toys that grandpa Karasuma said we can play with later because for now it was nap time.

They laid us down in aunt Kayano and uncle Nagisa's bed and had grandma Irina read us bed time stories, well, from what I heard grandma Irina voted herself to read bedtime stories and everyone else let her. Grandma read us a lot of stories and gave us all a kiss on the head after we fell asleep, she left, but what she didn't know was that we were all still awake.

I sat up on my belly and faced the boys as Hunter pulled out a little note book and Gakurei pulled out a flashlight; Hunter looked around "It's a good thing we came when we did, it looks like they cleared everything out before putting us in here" he stated as Gakurei and I nodded. Gakurei turned on the flashlight and pointed at the book as Hunter flipped it open to the first page, it read Korosensei.

"Korosensei? What does that mean?" I asked as I looked to Gakurei, but it seemed as I'd he didn't know either, we looked at Hunter who was deep in thought. "Um, well, let's see, Koro means unkillable and sensei means teacher so... Unkillable teacher? Why would that be in here?" Hunter asked himself. We decided to save it for later and continue flipping through the book "Wow, personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, uncle Nagisa has it all here" Hunter continued until we got to a certain page, that's where he froze.

I looked at it it was a picture of yellow bipedal octopus. He was about three meters tall, and possessed a large, bulbous head with a large smile and small, beady eyes. He used two feelers as arms, with two fingers each, and utilized the rest of his tentacles to walk with.

He wore a black academic dress, a small black square academic cap with a yellow tassel, and a large black tie with a yellow crescent-shaped moon on it. According to Korosensei himself, his nostrils are so small yet when discovered, it seemed that he had four eyes. Yup, I was just as smart as Gakurei sometimes even though I don't feel like using my brain for the most part.

(I actually just got that off of the wiki XD) Hunter was still frozen though "I've seen him before, in a dream I think" he explained as Gakurei's eyes widened in shock "Really!? Me too!" He said as well while I nodded, I have also seen the octopus in a few of my dreams.

Hunter flipped to the next page and we all gasped it was a picture of everyone standing next to him "Well it seems like mom knew him, but where's dad?" Hunter asked himself once more as Gakurei turned the page. This picture made me smile, it was of mommy and daddy arguing with each other, daddy looked mad while mommy was enjoying himself.

"They all seemed happy, where'd the octo go?" I asked but was only met with silence, until- "Well little girl, it's safe to say that he died and was forgotten, just like you will be" a dark voice behind us said. I could only manage a tiny scream before I faced darkness.

The kids have found out about Korosensei just before being kidnapped.... Do I have to ask a question this time? Do you guys like answering questions? I'll stop if you don't. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed and remember to comment your thoughts and opinions down below, I'll see you all in the next chapter, b-byeeee!!!

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