The doctor retuuu.... who the hell are you?

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Gakushuu's p.o.v.
I sighed as I put Karma to bed, I sat beside him, I held his hand just like I did back in the hospital. It's been a while since he could fall asleep so peacefully, but I know it won't stay this way. I sighed again and got up to get some more blankets since Karma was shivering. "No" I heard Karma say as I turned around thinking he was having another nightmare. Except he was awake, he was looking at me through those tires golden eyes of his, not wanting me to leave. "Karma, I'm gong to get some more blankets, your shivering" I said placing my hand on his head, pulling it away quickly as if I just touched a hot stove. I bit my lip and kissed Karma's hand for reassurance before reluctantly leaving to grab some blankets and get a thermometer from the downstairs medicine cabinet. I just decided to grab the whole box of medical supplies from the cabinet after a few minutes of thinking of what I needed. I didn't want to leave Karma alone for too long and I didn't know what I needed. I was just about to head upstairs with the items when the doorbell rang making me groan as this was more time away from Karma. I sat the items down on a chair in the living room and went to open the front door, ready to give the person knocking a price of my mind. I quickly opened the door before they had the chance to knock again only to be met with a pale and pasty neck. I looked up a bit to see a boy about my age looking down at me with a  peaceful smile and a certain glint in his eye that I couldn't place. "Hello, can I help you?" I asked trying to keep my temper as I got a weird vibe from this guy, he only smiled bigger. "Why hello there, I'm looking for Karma Akabane, is he here at the moment?" He asks with a hint of a British accent.
I give him a quizzical look "Why do you ask?" I said getting ready to slam the door in his face. "Why I'm his cousin of course, I've heard of his current situation and have come to wish him better" he said with confidence. I still didn't trust him, but if what he's saying is true then Karma will be more than happy to see a family member that actually cares for him. I stepped out of the way and let him in, shutting the door behind him and was a little shocked when he started to grab some of the blankets and motioned for me to grab the rest of the stuff and follow him upstairs. "Hey, I never caught your name, I'm Gakushuu Asano" I say while grabbing the rest of the blankets and the medicine box. "An Asano huh? I've heard great things about them. I'm Bōkyaku Megumi, (I know some of will try to look up the name since I normally put hidden messages in my name's, but if you translate it from Japanese to English it won't work. But if you translate: oblivion- to Japanese you get Bōkyaku, and if you translate: to grace- you get Megumi, so put it together and you get the words: Oblivion to grace, get it?)

"An Asano huh? I've heard great things about them. I'm Bōkyaku Megumi, but you can just call me Zero, k? But while we're on the topic of forgetting things, can I ask why you're here? Like what's your connection to Karma?" He asked as I blushed. I was a little hesitant since this was (probably) one of Karma's family members and one bad word from him to the rest can cancel my chances of seeing Karma again. "Uh, I'm his.. boyfriend" I finished, seeing another glint in Zero's eyes as he seemingly sized me up. I took in Zero's appearance just as he was doing to me; Zero had oil black hair and red eyes that reminded me of someone, but I couldn't place my finger on it. Anyway, he had pale and pasty skin that was cover by a white button up and black blazer similar to Karma's. He wore long black dress pants and church shoes that seemed to be stained with red clay or some other reddish substance. The thing that threw me off was that although he seemed to mimic all of his 'cousin's' faces perfectly, his normal face was stuck on a permanent scowl. Like he was supposedly mad at the word in general for something I don't think I want to go into or know about. "His boyfriend huh? Karma didn't tell me he was gay, he also didn't tell me his boyfriend was so... Ravishingly handsome" he said with a smirk, this I didn't blush at. I forced a fake, but rather convincing smile at his comment and nodded my head towards the stairs. "We should probably get back to Karma, don't you think?" I said and at the mention of Karma his eyes seemed (I'm saying seemed and supposed a lot, huh?) Light up and he frantically nodded his head. Seeing my suspicion and confusion he blushed "U-uh.... I just haven't had the chance to see my little cousin in a long time and I just really miss him?" He said making it sound more like a question then a statement. I just brushed it off for later and nodded my head as we continued on our way to Karma's room. When we got there we set up and Zero sat in the chair next to Karma's bed, placing a hand on his forehead. I don't know if it was just from my lack of sleep or if my eyes were playing tricks on me, but I swear his hands glowed a faint red as they touched Karma's forehead. Zero looked at me "Now we just wait"

Hi!! It's my comeback!! Aren't you guys happy!! Did I do good?

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