Trip down memory lane

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Yay!! No more filler for you guys, for now. Yeah, there's gonna probably be one more filler chapter after this.. maybe two depending on how I word things and the circumstances, but just know that this book is coming to a ending soon... Isn't that so sad!? I don't want my babies to end in such a bad story, so we're going to have to make it better! Yay!
Karma's p.o.v.
I heard the voice behind me and was a little scared, thinking I was the only one here. When I turned around though, I didn't anyone, which made it all the more creepier, but what made it creepiest was the fact that I heard a child's voice. Even though I didn't want to move from my spot I knew that I had to at least try and find some sort of way out of here. If I don't try to help fix myself what's the point in my family trying to fix me at all, unfortunately, I have no clue how to get anywhere in here. I swear to god, the moment I'm back in control of my own body I'm having everything sorted into a file cabinet when I think one up.

"Come on, this way..."

I gasped again while flinging my body against a wall as to hide myself. I can't tell if this voice is talking to me, but I know I want to follow it, like I need to follow it; but what should I... "What should I do?" I voiced out loud. Only, I wasn't really expecting an answer; lanterns suddenly starts appearing around me, but most lined the walls in a straight line. Now that there was light, I could see, and from what I could see, I was in front of a hallway, a pretty narrow and steep hallway. I looked around the room I was in and felt a familiar feeling about it.

 There were bunk beds and little  wooden toys on the floor as well as clothes thrown everywhere while the only light in the room was from the barred window too high up for any little kid to climb. That's when it hit me like a speeding truck, this was the orphanage I grew up in for all those years. Suddenly my eyes were pointing towards the ground and there, I saw a little white hair clip, I looked around before picking it up, only to drop it again as it turned red under my fingers.

 When it hit the floor again it went back to being white, I shook away my shivers and picked it up again, watching as red soaked the white. I went to put it in my pocket, when I saw I didn't have any, I was in a black T-shirt and black sweatpants with white socks. I held back the gasp at my sudden clothes change, it was no use wasting air to gasp and gawk at everything that's happening, so I reasoned with putting the clip in my hair. Just as I got it in my hair I felt a bit lighter than before, happier.

"Why are you wearing that? Who gave that to you?!"

I jumped at the harsh tone the voice took on. What? Was I not supposed to out on the clip!? Do I take it off? I don't want to make the voice angry so I reach up and try to pull it off. Keyword: try. It was like the clip was stuck to my head, no matter how hard I pulled it wouldn't budge a bit. I suddenly jolted from a buzzing sound, I looked up and there was an EXIT sign above the door, I guess it was time for me to leave. I looked around the room one more time as I walked to the door, I didn't find it scary that this place was in my mind, after all it is where I lived for so many years. No, the thing that scared me was the fact that everything was right where it was the last time I had seen it, but it was all just left there, as if eerily abandoned.

"Tell me, why do you wear those sunglasses?"

I heard another voice say, I immediately recognized this one, my mom. My real mother. I ran to where I heard her voice, along the way I couldn't help but notice the multiple doors that seems to call out my name, but I didn't have time. I kept running down the hallways and part every door until I had to come to such a quick halt that I almost slid past it. I made my way back to and up to the door before me, I could here her voice... just barely muffled through the wood of the door. I knew there was some reason I was summoned to this specific door in particular so I knew I had to open the door. 

Inside was a movie like scene, everything was slightly faded and a bit fuzzy almost like when you remember something that you forgot, like a memory! This memory in was one of the best and worst moments in my mind; my father had just finished beating me outside and dragged me inside saying that I fell out of a tree. Of course my mom suspected something, but she was too sweet, too loving, too forgiving, against my father she didn't stand a chance. My mom had just finished attending to my injuries when she looked up at my face and at my sunglasses I've worn ever since my second month at the orphanage. 

"Tell me, why do you wear those sunglasses?" She asked me as I bit my lip, I could tell her and that's what the smaller version of me did. "The sisters and other children said I should wear them and never take them off to hide my demon eyes" he... I... We explained. My... Our mother looked horrified "Demon eyes? Why would they ever say you have those?" She asked as we looked in shock that she wasn't scared of our demon eyes. "A-as you know I-i used t-to get beat up a lot, I heard rumors that when I was finally beaten to a pull that they would look into my eyes and see the eyes of the devil, the something bad will happen to the person that hurt me" we explained as she only smiled.

 "Well that's your name isn't it? Karma? What goes around comes around? This is just living proof that whoever tried to hurt you or take you down will get their just deserts that they deserve" she said as she quickly removed my sunglasses and started to kiss our closed eyelids, we opened our eyes and there were our golden yellow eyes. Suddenly our mother placed us back on her lap and went into her bag to start scrambling around for something, when she was done she had a pencil and notebook in her hands. "Here Karma, take this, this will help you..." Everything kid of went all muffled after that, I was too distracted by the sound of a book falling and just like that there was the notebook my mother gave to younger me.

"Don't read it! Don't open it! She's lying to you! It's a trap!"

I opened the notebook to a marked page and saw instructions leading to somewhere else, i followed them, only for them to lead me to a smoke smelling room. Just like the last room I knew I had to open the door in order to get some answers about what's going on, so that's what I did. In the room was a close up this time, a bright light was shining on me, but a small mobile carrying little blue horses sort of blocked that view which I guess I was grateful for or else I would have been blinded.  It's not like it would have mattered anyway, when people finally came into view I found that my vision was blurry. 

There were only 2 of them as far as I could tell, a man and a woman, they were cooing and awwing at me, but that's when I saw it, a strawberry shaped pendant. I looked at it in aww for a second before looking around me to see if this item will pop up near me as well, just like the others. When it didn't I looked back through the door only to see that the pendant had melded itself into my skin and was now a strawberry shaped tattoo... Birthmark. I gasped and lowered my sweatpants a bit to look on my right hip and there it was, a strawberry tattoo right on my hip.

 Once I looked up from the design I looked back to the door only to see that it was gone, in fact, all of the doors were gone. There was only one left, it was at the end of the hall and had had light shining from the cracks in it, but while there was also light, there was also crying; sobbing at most. It then hit me again, this door the scratches, the hinges, the paint; the hallways, the doors, the paintings, the flooring... This place... It's my old house... And that door... Leads to my room.

"Wh-why did you leave me? Was i-it something I did? I did my best I swear,  yet you still left me behind. You still left me to be hated. You still left me to be forgotten. You were supposed to be my best friend, my friend, mine. I can have you or no one can"

DANG DANG DIGGITY DANG DANG. Well then, that just got dark and spooky. Well I hope you all enjoyed and don't forget to comment your thoughts and opinions down below, I'll see you all in the next chapter, b-byeeee!!!

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