Boom goes the neighborhood!!!

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Those pictures aren't actually of Karma's parents since there's actually no proof of Karma's actual parents in the anime. Those are just random pictures I took and will use thank you.
Karma's p.o.v
I woke up feeling squished and I didn't know why, that was until I remembered the kids were here. I tried to get up slowly and quietly but that's kind of hard when you have 3 kids practically attached to you. The sleepy feeling eventually faded away when I pulled myself away and was immediately replaced with a terrible feeling in my stomach. In a split second I ran to the bathroom and emptied my stomach into the toilet, the clenching feeling in my stomach was worse then I felt. "Mommy?" A voice called out to me through the door frame, I'm seriously going to kill Gakushuu for that name. Not a second later Karen peeked her head out before slowly walking in, she was always kind of shy. I pushed my head out of the toilet and sat against it trying to make it seem like I was okay for her sake "Yes baby?" I said in a slightly shaky voice. She saw right though my act, definitely Gakushuu's daughter "Mommy your no okays?" for a 3 year old she has good eyes. I sighed and took her into my arms when she stretched her hands in my direction, she was so small compared to me. "I'm sorry baby, to you and your brothers, Daddy and I have been going through some things and we just don't want you guys to get hurt in the crossfire" I explained but on the word crossfire I felt my eye twitch. ' N-no not now, not them ' I thought to myself as my head started to pound "Mommy?" I had to calm down, I don't want to hurt them, I need her to leave. "Karen? I-I need you to go wake up your brothers and get dressed in some warm clothes, you can change in hallway bathroom, k?" I asked and she just nodded her head before leaving. Once she was gone I slammed the door and locked it, sliding down to the floor looking at my shaking hands. My head was pounding and I couldn't breath properly, I should have told Gakushuu about this, he would have been here to help. I slowly got up, nearly falling due to how shaky my legs were, making my way to the mirror gasping at the sight before me. My left eye was still the same shining gold but my right was a close to black grey that was becoming darker with every passing second. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, I started talking to myself "Y-you're not in control, this i-is my own body a-and my own mind, you have no power anymore I-im happy now, why can't you just leave me alone?" I said and that's when I felt the pain fade. It was gone. It was silent. But then it all came back at full force and hit me like a train "Ahh!" I screamed and fell to the ground. There was a constant banging on the door that didn't help my headache but it was there screams of concern and worry that snapped me out of my stupor. With my headache suddenly gone I got up and opened the door only to be tackled back to the ground. "Are you okay?" "Are you hurt?" "Do you need help?" They all asked and though I felt a thump of pain in my head I didn't let that bother me. I shook my head "No guys I'm fine, just fell is all" They didn't look too convinced but excepted it as I picked them all up. Once I had all of them in my grasp I placed them back down in the hall "Can you guys stay here while I change?" I asked to which they all nodded. I gave them a smile and went into my room, closed the door, and just like in the bathroom I slid down the door. I pulled out my phone and went on the camera setting to look at my eyes, they were both back to their normal gold. I sighed, what am I going to do?
The kids leaped out of the car once we parked, they must have seen the massive play house that the dinner had for the kids. "Come on mom!" Hunter shouted as they all started to drag me towards the entrance, I chuckled and made sure I locked the car first before letting them drag me. On lookers laughed or went "Aww" at the scene while others just looked confused at why the kids call me mom when I was clearly a guy. Anyway, when we got in the dinner I sent the kids away and they left without a second thought as I sat at a table and decided to check the time. It was 9:37 on my phone and when I looked around I didn't see Gakushuu or anyone that looked like they might have come here with him, dying of boredom (Gakushuu: -_-). But when I turned to look in the other direction I was tackled to the for the 2nd time today. I gasped in shock and my eyes widened when I realized who did it "Nakamura!?" I said with a smile. She returned it and pointed behind her showing the rest of the class who waved back with Gakushuu sheepishly scratching his neck. "But that's not all, look who's back" Nakamura said making me confused, I looked behind her as the class stepped apart revealing a really tall male with blue eyes and blonde hair. It was really easy to recognize him "Oh hey sensei!" I said with a wave as everyone else looked confused "What? You know this isn't the strangest thing that has happened to us" I said as they all nodded. "So Karma where are the kids Gakushuu told us nothing about" Bitch-sensei said as Gakushuu scratched his neck again with a light blush. I smiled and pointed towards the play house seeing the kids playing in the ball pit "Those 3, 2 red heads and the dirty blond, in the ball pit" I said as girls gasped and awed. They ran towards the glass to get a better look at the kids while the rest stayed to talk. And we talked a lot, like who has kids and how they all went to the same camp for the winter which is why they're not here, Karasuma and Bitch-sensei's kid who is in middle school, and just life in general. I then remembered what happened this morning and decided to tell Gakushuu, just in case. "Hey Gakushuu?" I said as the bell on the door of the dinner rang, Gakushuu didn't answer, just gawked at what was behind me. I turned around expecting to see his father or some hot chick I was going to have to bitch slap. But that's when I saw them... "Mom!?" "Dad!?"

Oh my god!! Karma's parents finally make a scene, I wonder what will happen next? Devildog: What do you think will happen to our heroes, find out next time on- Me: Dragon ball Z!! Devildog: Hey! That was my line!

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