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Gakushuu's p.o.v.
This... This Zero guy was creeping me the hell out. I couldn't go anywhere without him following me and asking questions about everything going on in my life. The only time I could be alone was when I was going to bed or in the bathroom, but even then I felt as if I was being watched. I finished washing my hands and exited the bathroom only to find Zero leaning on the wall in front of me, I gave an unnoticeable jolt. "Oh, I'm sorry, did you have to use the restroom as well? Did I keep you waiting?" I asked trying to keep the politeness in my tone even though I was still a but creeped out. His eyes just scanned over every trace of my body before he registered my question, "Nope" he said popping the "p". "Oh... Okay" I said cutting off the light and shutting the door before making my way down stairs and into the kitchen. I turned towards the fridge and started to place materials on to the counter when I saw him watching me intently out of the corner of my eye. I felt sweat run down my back as I felt his glare heating me up, I had to keep a cool composure though, I couldn't keep acting awkward, that is rude, even if he is a total weirdo. I clear my throat before speaking " *ahem* So I was thinking about starting dinner and was wondering if you had any sugges-" he cut me off by pinning me against the counter. "H-Hey! What do y-you think you're d-" he cut me off again, this time by shoving his tongue down my throat and slowly grinding against me. I couldn't help but groan at the pleasure being given to me, Karma and I haven't been able to do anything even remotely close to sexual since the kids arrived, and this felt amazing. I soon realized what was happening and bit his tongue as hard as I could while kicking him away "What the hell!?" I scream at him.
He just chuckled and wiped away the blood leaking from his lips "Wow, so feisty, I like that in my men" he said standing back up, ready to come at me again, when I heard something from upstairs. Apparently he had heard it too because he stopped right in his tracks before he could lay his hands on me again. "G-Gakushuu?" I heard a tired voice rasp from above me, I gasped in shock and happiness "Karma!" I yelled racing up the stairs completely forgetting about Zero.
When I made it to his room I practically slammed open the door and leaped on him, kissing him as deeply as I could while trying to pull him as close as I could without hurting him. I pulled back after he moaned a bit, leaving him to get some air and organize his thoughts "Gakushuu..." He trailed off in panic as his eyes tried to focus on me. I hushed him "hey, hey, calm down, we're home and safe, the kids are staying with Nagisa and Kayano, they're fine too, okay, just breathe​" I cooed to him as I slowly rocked him back and forth. He leaned against me tiredly, I decided to see what he remembered "Karma, can you tell me what you remember?" I ask as he froze "I- I remember seeing my parents... And the kids... and you... And everyone else... They all looked so scared? What happened?" He asked as I only shook my head as he got the signal. He looked sad for a moment before noticing someone behind me and shifting closer to me. "Shuu? Who's that?" He asked as Zero came up to the doorframe and stared at us, he stared at Karma a little longer though, analyzing him like he did to me this morning. I glared at him and tightened my grip on Karma "This is Zero, your cousin?" I said in a more questioning tone than I liked, but Karma seemed to get the message that I was trying to see if Zero was lying or not. Karma was going to say something, but Zero cut him off "Aww, you don't remember me little cous'? Man this is such a disappointment, I really wanted to spend time with you and make you better, but I guess that would be a little uncomfortable wouldn't it? I guess I'll take my leave" he said turning out of the door frame and heading downstairs. I look back at Karma and gave a sigh of relief to see this creep was leaving only to see a blank stare on Karma's face. I was going to ask about it when he suddenly leaped up out of bed and down the stairs "Big Cousin Zero!!" He exclaimed in an excited voice as he jumped up to hug Zero. This wasn't what I was expecting, especially since looked like he hadn't seen the man in his entire life, but I guess I had to accept it. "I missed you Zero" Karma cooed as Zero smiled and looked down at him "I missed you too Karma" it was a sweet scene and I'm glad Karma has someone who cares for him even if he is a perverted creep. Though, explain to me, why Zero sent me a smirk and wink when Karma wasn't looking. I already didn't like this Zero character from the start, but now I needed him to leave. No, not leave. GET OUT.

OOOH~~~! What do you guys think about Zero'sins' flirtatious nature? What do you think he really has planned? Comment down below your thoughts. Lololol. Testing. Testing. Wattpad is being a dick so I'm gonna wait to upload Flower boy, but rest assured it will still be uploaded today! Well that's all I have to say, B-byeeee for now!!!

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