Some help from the dead 0_0

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Gakushuu's p.o.v.
I woke up at 8:00am and it was a strange feeling since the last time I had to get up this early was during my school years. But considering the circumstances I feel that it's necessary for me to get all the information needed to complete the problem at hand. That's why I called up the best possible team to get me info about Karma's parents and will be willing to help me advance into Karma's more secret life. I got out the car and paused remembering memories back from all of our school days, back then was much simpler wasn't it? When Karma and I were just starting out and the only things we had to worry about was Korosensei and the fact of rejection from outsiders. ' Things really have changed so much ' "Gakushuu! Don't you know how late it is? Hurry your ass up, it's freezing out here!" Terasaka yelled at me from the top of the mountain. I smiled ' And some things never will ' I finish my previous thought before making my way up the mountain. Once I made it inside the small building I saw everyone laughing and talking as if never before, I'm glad they all came but there's just one person I truly needed. "Gakushuu, you called us" his deep and strict voice asked, "What? No hello Karasuma?" I asked as I turned around. While everyone else looked mildly tired Karasuma looked as if he just woke up 2 hours ago, which he probably has with his government job. I cleared my throat and focused back on the task at hand "Yes actually, but if I'm being truthful you're the only one I truly need, I need you to look up some information on the Akabane family" I said as the room went quiet. Irina looked at me this time "Why do you need information about the Akabane family?" She asked as all eyes were on me. I sighed "Karma... He hasn't been himself lately and all this time I've been thinking that it was Void but it wasn't until last night that he told me his parents were visiting" I said as the room kept its silence. "What's so wrong about Karma's parents coming to visit? Isn't it a good thing after not seeing them for so long?" Asked Kayano as Okuda and the others nodded. I looked around to hear that familiar voice of Korosensei'l giving out some smart ass fact but remembered that he was dead and he- "Actually Kayano, it's quite the opposite" the others and I gasped as we all turned to see a person. Only this person was different, this person was the one and only Korosensei.
"Korosensei!?" We all screamed in shock and fear. "He's a spirit come back for revenge! I swear it was all Nagisa's fault sensei! Kill and take him as a sacrifice!" Fuwa screamed shoving Nagisa forwards as the rest of us sweatdropped. "Kids I'm not a spirit and I'm not here for revenge either! The truth is... I don't know what happened, I was in very dark place and ... This place didn't have any light or sound just touch. I didn't think I'd ever get out of there but then a few weeks ago I was suddenly on that tree at the edge of a the cliff, (The one Karma tried to do his assassination attempt at. Gakushuu: 0_0 Karma: =/ Devildog: =}) looking like this" he said looking lost in his thoughts. We just stood there trying to process his story but then it was him who broke us from our thoughts. "But there's another reason for why I'm here, Karasuma I believe it's time for the class to know the truth about our classmate and student" Korosensei (Gakushuu: Can we even call him that anymore? Me: *shrugs*) said motioning for Karasuma to open his laptop. Karasuma sits frozen in contemplation to whether he should do it or not, finally coming to a conclusion he sighed. He opened his laptop but as it was booting up he pulled out his phone, the rest of us looked at each other in confusion at what he was doing but it was answered as another familiar face appeared. "Hello everyone, it's been a while" Ritsu said as she popped up on Karasuma's phone screen looking a bit more mature than when I last saw her, but then again everyone did. "Ritsu!" The class called out again just as they did with Korosensei, but this time it wasn't in fear. "We can chat more later friends, you have requested Karasuma-sensei?" Ritsu giggled "Class, we're no longer your teachers anymore, you don't have to refer to us by those names anymore" Karasuma sighed. "But you used to be, and once our sensei, always our sensei" Kanzaki said on her usual cheery and inspiring voice as we all nodded on agreement. Karasuma sighed once again before looking back at Ritsu who was still on his phone, he pulled out a cord and attached one end into his phone and the other into his computer. "Ritsu even though I am a high ranking government member, some things are still off limits even to me, things like the Akabane family files are locked away deep in the Ministry of Defense's computer system, if you can get the password for the Akabane file we can see what's there" he said as Ritsu let out an "Aye! Aye sir!" And saluted before disappearing. It wasn't long before Ritsu reappeared, gave is a wink, and left with a ding, that's when a text showed up and read ' I'm out fighting off the Ministry of Defense's viruses, you have 10 minutes before they overpower me, good luck! ' it read with another winky face. "Okay, we have 10 minutes on the clock, if we're doing this, we're doing it now" Karasuma said cracking his knuckles before starting to type: Akabane. The first to come up was a woman, presumably Karma's mother. Huh?
First Name: Amy
Last Name: Akabane
Ethnicity: French
DOB: August 15, 1970 (The year is 2016, and the page updates with every year and new fact gathered)
Age: 46
Gender: Female
Height: 6'8
Current state: Living
Bio: Tan skin, long red hair, lush pink eyes, full lips, and beauty mark on neck with tattoo of lion on her hip; Hot tempered and could be considered abusive, married to Akita Akabane and has son by the name of ~~~~~~~~.
Relatives: Son, husband, son-in-law, 3 grandchildren.
Occupation: Beauty and love-girls club owner
"They blocked out Karma's name" I pointed out as Karasuma nodded and went to click on the next page.
First Name: Akita
Last Name: Akabane
Ethnicity: Japanese
DOB: March, 26, 1967
Age: 49
Gender: Male
Height: 6'10
Current state: Living
Bio: Tan skin, red hair that fade into black at the ends, red eyes, has sharp eyebrows and canine teeth; Known to be associated with gangs and drug dealers of all kinds and has been to prison 12 times for child endangerment and abusive relationships.
Relatives: Wife, son, son-in-law, 3 grandchildren.
Occupation: Unknown
"I've heard of him he's been known to be associated with drugs, robbery, murder, and a ton of other things" Karasuma voiced aloud to which Terasaka couldn't help but make the comment "Of course he would be Akabane's father". I growled at him and gave a death glare that shut him up immediately.
First Name: ~~~~~
Last Name: Akabane
Ethnicity: ~~~~~~~
DOB: ~~~,~~,~~~~
Age: ~~
Gender: ~~~~~~
Height: ~'~
Current state: Dead
Relatives: _______ and ______
"How come this one is all blacked out?" I asked trying to see if there was anyway of fixing the words. "Don't know, probably has to do with the fact that the person's dead and the government wants nothing to do with them" Karasuma says nonchalantly.
First Name: Karma
Last Name: Akabane
Ethnicity: Japanese/ Unknown
DOB: December 25, 1994
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height: 6'5
Current state: Living
Bio: Pale skin, short red hair, and pale sharp eyes that appear gold in color. Behind his usual innocent-looking smiling face hides a torturous and rather sadistic personality. He has a slender build and has also been shown to have exceptionally sharp canine teeth. 
Relatives: Mother, Father, Husband, 3 children.
Occupation: At home Bureaucrat (Is that even a thing?)
"Wait, 3 kids? Gakushuu you didn't!!" Korosensei screamed, and even in this human form you could still see him as a nervous octopus. "Relax sensei, they're adopted. We got them 2 months ago, maybe you guys can meet them" I said imagining the kids meeting their mom and dad's friends and old teachers. Suddenly my watch went off signaling me the Karma was going to wake up soon "Gakushuu bring Karma by at 4:00" Korosensei said looking lost in his thoughts again. "Why?" We all questioned, even Karasuma and Irina "We're not going to tell him we've been snooping through his family files, but I believe if we are to help him, he needs to be here too" Korosensei explained as we all thought about it and agreed. Then my phone went off 'Hey babe, woke up and u weren't here so I'm going to take the kids to breakfast at Danny's, can u meet us?' I smiled and texted back. 'Yeah, sorry 4 not being there, I went on a drive, is it okay if I bring back a few friends? They've been dying to meet you' I waited for him to respond. 'Yeah sure, can u guys be here in 10? The kids are worried, they said u left really early and never came back they wanted to make sure you're okay' 'Tell them that I'll be there, love u XOXO! ' 'The kids and I love u 2 XOXOX! ' I smiled, put my phone away, and turned around only to see the whole class looking over my shoulders. "Damn Gakushuu, what did you do to him? That's definitely not the Karma I know!" Nagisa exclaimed. I shrugged "People grow and change, especially with kids around in your life" I blush at the thought of Karma and I growing old together, but we've made it this far so what's there to be embarrassed about? "So can you guys do breakfast?" I asked with a smile.

So yeah, nothing to exciting. JUST KOROSENSEI DYING THEN COMING BACK FROM THE DEAD!! But yeah, I still had them kill Korosensei, but I brought him back didn't I? So, this was a filler chapter but if I play my cards right it should become more interesting in the next chapter. Sayōnara!!

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