I can't help falling in love with you

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Gakushuu's p.o.v.
When I heard Rosaanna scream this I whip my head in her direction, nearly getting my back sliced by an experiment if it wasnt for Maehara. I give a thankful nod to him which he returns before running back off to help other, I look for a few more seconds before starting to slice my way to Rosanna and the kids. "Daddy!" They all scream as the run and hug me, Karen started to cry which Gakurei followed while Hunter held my leg with watery eyes "We were so scared!!!" Karen cried "What's wrong with mommy?" Hunter asks, and this is when I realize how dire this situation is for the kids who shouldn't even be involved with this mess.

Hunter always called Karma mom and I thought this was because he was more mature and adjusted than his siblings, but I have to remember that he's still only 4 years old, one who's stuck in the middle of all of this chaos. "Uhhh..." I tried to explain, but I don't think they'll understand or maybe they'll even be scared, I look to Rosanna, by she looks just as lost and guilty and confused as I am, I had to think fast, Karen looked as if she was going to start crying again. "Hey, hey, shh, shh, shh, don't be scared, don't cry, mom's just going through. ... uh... he's going through lady... sickness" I explain as Rosanna makes a nearly comical noise as her eyes go to the size of saucers, he gives me a heated glare as I smile nervously and shrug. At least the kids look appeased at this explanation "Is he going to get better? Can we help?" Gakurei asked, looking eager to help his mama, i couldn't help but nearly melt at the cuteness if it weren't for the battle going on around us.

Rosanna looked around once more and decided it was time for her to join and be apart of the conversation "uh... yes, you guys can help in a big way, so you remember a long time ago when I gave you those necklaces? Right? Do you still have them?" She asked as the kids nodded and reached in their shirts. I give Rosanna a sharp yet confused angry glanc and it was suddenly her turn to nervously smile and shrug, she mouthed out to me that "She would explain it all later", after that I let my glare soften. I watched as the kids pulled out necklaces and show them to Rosanna, each one had the children's rightful name on it and seemed to glow as the kids looked at Rosanna nervously, Rosanna only smiled encouragingly. "Okay, you see Karma over there, I want you to look at him and focus all of your power there" she said as the kids and I's jaws dropped "P-POWERS!? YOU GAVE MY CHILDREN MAGIC!?" I yelled while Hunter yelled "We don't know how to use them though!" WHY WAS THAT HIS MAIN CONCERN!? Rosanna looked a bit distraught by all of the questions but shook her head and too I a deep breath, "Gakushuu, I said I would explain all of this to you later so that means take a chill pill and let me think. Guys, what I mean is I need you to focus on what you love most right now, what you can't live without at this very moment, and I need you to focus it on Karma, we need to make this quick, I don't know how much longer we have an opening for" She rushed as the kids nodded and closed their eyes tightly, trying to concentrate.

The boys didn't have much of an attention spand and gave up after a few seconds claiming it was too hard, but my attention was focused on Karen, who had her eyes scrunched so tight she started crying again "I want my mommy back" she whimpered and made a grabbing motion to Karma with her right hand, suddenly a pink light shot out of it and towards Void just as he broke iPhone arm free from the paralysis. It hit him and made him let out an ear writhing screech, everyone on the building stopped and stared at what was happening; hearing the yell Karen's eyes shot open as she quickly switch back and forth between her hand and Void "I did it..." It started as a whisper, but grew louder "I did it! I did it! I DID IT! I DID IT!" She yelled excitedly. The boys' eyes widened as well before they looked at each other and closed their eyes, they did the same as Karen did, but I couldn't hear them properly over Void's pained screams; once she saw that the boys had it as well, Rosanna closed her eyes and joined them, a purple ray shooting out o her hand.

She slowly took one step closer, and again, and again, and again; pretty soon when they saw what she was doing the kids started to join her too; When they we're only a few feet away Rosanna grimaced and looked back at me "Gakushuu! You need to do it to or else it won't work!!" "Help us daddy!!" "Dad help!!" I heard Rosanna and the kids yell, but I shook my head looking confused and panicked. "What do you mean help!? I don't have magic powers! Let alone a magic necklace! What the hell am i supposed to do!?" I yelled by just as Rosanna opened her mouth to respond, another shout was heard from across the roof. "NO!" I heard Nagisa yell as I looked in his direction, it seemed as though Rosanna and the kids did too because their concentration was broken and allowed Void to get the upper hand and knock them away.

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