6: Stuck Indoors

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Here is the second chapter! More lighthearted in this one. I'm not sure when the next chapter will be but it will most likely be next weekend.

Before you read this chapter, I want you guys to know that there will be NO chapters between (...). Sorry for the inconvenience. After that week, I will release at least one chapter a week. We shall see if I stick to it though haha.

On with the chapter! :-{ D
Harley sighed as she stared outside. She was sitting down at the window in the living room. It was raining heavily at the moment. Because of the rain, both Harley and Ivy have been forced to stay indoors. Harley watched as the rain hit the ground and soaked the soil. She sighed again, bored out of her mind.

"I'm just going to the green house to check on my plants" Ivy announced in the doorway of the living room. Harley did not reply. "Want to come with me Harl?" Ivy asked. "Nah, I'm okay" Harley replied, staring out of the window.

Ivy closed the back door of the house and placed her hands in her waterproof coat pockets. Ivy walked to the edge of the porch and walked down the few steps leading to the ground. She then quickly walked towards the greenhouse. Her boots squelched in the mud as she walked. The rain hit her coat fast as the rain poured down onto her. Ivy arrived at the greenhouse and quickly entered. She closed the door behind her and pulled down her hood. Ivy turned on some lights so she could see clearly and began checking over her plants.

After spending about twenty minutes checking over her plants, she turned off the lights and pulled up her hood in preparation. She was about to leave when she saw Harley on the porch. Ivy stared through the watery glass at Harley. She looked bored and unhappy. Ivy smiled slightly and opened the door to her greenhouse.

Ivy walked onto the porch and sat down next to Harley on the wooden bench. "You okay Harl?" Ivy asked. "Yeah... Just bored... It can get a bit boring here but when it's raining, it makes things more boring" Harley replied. "It can be... Especially since we live in the middle of no where" Ivy admitted.

The pair then sat in silence for a few minutes. They sat and stared at the rain. "Come on, let's go inside where it's warm. I'll start up the fire and we can sit by it" Ivy said, standing up. Harley nodded and stood up.

"Are you ticklish?" Ivy asked, smirking. "No" Harley replied with a smile. It's three in the afternoon. The rain hasn't stopped and Ivy has managed to cheer up Harley. They are now wearing a shirt and shorts each since the heat from the fire made the living room cosy and warm. "I bet you are" Ivy said, starting to slowly crawl on her hands and knees to Harley. "Nope, I ain't ticklish" Harley insisted, backing up. Ivy quickly pounced on Harley, pinning her down. "You sure?" Ivy asked. Harley started giggling while trying to break free. Ivy then started to tickle Harley which made Harley start to laugh. "No! Hahahaha! Stop hahahahahahaha!" Harley laughed, squirming and struggling. Ivy continued to tickle Harley for a few more seconds before stopping. "Who's a ticklish girl then?" Ivy smiled. Harley caught her breath then pushed Ivy off of her. Harley stood up and ran out of the living room. Harley giggled as ran. Ivy sat up, smiled and shook her head.

"Harley" Ivy called softly, slowly climbing the stairs. "Where are you?" Ivy asked, only a few steps from the top. Ivy froze when she heard a soft giggle. Ivy climbed the last few steps and headed towards the bathroom.

She entered the bathroom quickly to make Harley jump but it was empty. Harley wasn't in the bathroom. Ivy backed out and turned her attention to the bedroom. She narrowed her eyes at the room and slowly walked towards the bedroom.

Ivy slowly entered the room. Everything seemed to be normal, nothing seemed to have been disturbed. Ivy frowned when she realised that Harley wasn't in here either.

Suddenly, Harley pounced from behind, taking her down to the bed and tried to pin her down. However, Ivy was stronger and managed to break free. Harley ran out of the room screaming and laughing. This time, Ivy chased after her without her getting away.

Ivy chased Harley down the stairs, into the kitchen and out the back door. It was still raining but that did not stop the two girls. They were laughing, having lots of fun. Harley kept dodging Ivy and Ivy kept on trying to catch Harley. Harley giggled as she managed to keep out of Ivy's grasp. By now, the rain had soaked the pair. They were slipping and sliding all over but they managed to keep on both feet. Harley ran back to the porch before Ivy grabbed her from behind. "Oh no you don't" Ivy breathed. Harley giggled, breathing hard. Both girls just laughed, tired from all the running about. It was times like this that made both girls happy that they lived together. This was a great end to a day...
Hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you are wanting Harley and Ivy to become lovers then fear not! Confessions will be coming out... From chapter eleven onwards. DON'T HATE PLEASE! I know I'm a bugger for making you wait, it's just how I've planned it out. I've planned the next ten chapters weeks prior to writing them so I know what's ahead. It's how I role haha. When it all comes out and that, you will know why it took a while.

See you in the next chapter!

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