90: The Chase of Her Life

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Hey everyone! Hope you all enjoyed the last chapter! After so long, The Joker has returned! I won't say too much as it will spoil the ending of this chapter. I hope you all enjoy this explosive, dramatic, tense and chaotic chapter. I mean The Joker is in this chapter, you wouldn't expect anything less would you?

Anyway, on with the chapter!



A constant ringing was the only sound Ivy could hear as she slowly opened her eyes. She groaned, rubbing her head and trying to get up. Some debri had fallen on her so Ivy pushed it away. Ivy shook her head and stood up. As she opened her eyes, Ivy took in her surroundings. Everything was a mess from the explosion. She knew she was very lucky to be alive. She also knew that it wasn't luck, it was planned. Instant death would have been too quick and easy for the attacker. "I swear, one day I'm going to stick a bomb in The Joker's head and..." Ivy began but then stopped. Her eyes widened in realisation.

Ivy quickly moved towards the bedroom door but groaned a little so she limped as she left the bedroom and walked down the hallway. She froze in the doorway of the front room when she saw him. "Joker!" Ivy called, snatching his attention as he had Harley over his shoulder. The Joker turned his head to look at Ivy from the front door. He grinned at her before turning and walking out the front door. Ivy's face twisted more into anger as she took a step forward but froze when she heard a groan to her left. It came from the kitchen.

She turned her head to look in the messy and almost destroyed room and saw Christie. Ivy's eyes grew a little and she hurried inside of the room. She limped over and started moving some of the debris off of Christie to free her. Christie coughed and groaned as she opened her eyes to look up at Ivy. "Sis?" Christie practically croaked as Ivy knelt down beside her and placed her arm on her shoulder. "Are you okay?" Ivy asked her seriously but full of concern.

"Yeah I-I'm okay I think, what happened?" Christie asked as Ivy moved the final few bits of debris off Christie. "Joker, that's what's happened" Ivy replied as she helped Christie to sit up. Christie stared at her and tilted her head a little. "Pamela?" Christie said softly. Ivy looked at Christie in her eyes. Christie's eyes widened a little. "You remember..." Christie half whispered. Ivy smiled a little and nodded. Christie smiled and hugged Ivy quickly. Christie's eyes shot open as her face twisted into worry. "Joker?! That means he's after Harley!" Christie exclaimed as she pulled back from the hug. "Yeah, he's got her. I've got to go" Ivy nodded. Ivy was about to stand up but Christie quickly grabbed her arm to stop her.

Ivy looked at Christie as her sister had a worried but serious expression on her face. "Save her. Save Harley and bring her home" Christie told her as Ivy smiled and nodded in response. "And... Be safe sis" Christie added, letting go of her sister's arm. The pair stared at each other for a few moments before Ivy got up and hurried out of the room.

Ivy quickly scanned the front room as she half limped through. After finding the car keys, Ivy moved quickly out the front door. She grits her teeth as she hurries out of the building as the fresh air hits her. Random people are crowding around a little from the comotion and Ivy walks past them all towards the main road as she keeps her eyes peeled.

A little down the road, Ivy spots The Joker moving around his car as he slams shut one of the back doors. "Hold it, freak!" Ivy calls, which captures Joker's attention. He grins and gives her a little wave before turning towards the car and getting into the car. Ivy groans as she raises her hand towards the car. She groans as she tries to concentrate. Some of the plant life nearby moves and attempts to go towards the car but Ivy gives up, letting out a frustrated and tired cry.

"Shit, I'm too weak right now! My head hurts from the blast, I'm powerless" Ivy thought to herself. The Joker's car turned on as Ivy quickly got into her own car. Ivy's eyes looked to see The Joker driving off as she switched on the engine. She then drove after him as the random locals looked on in confusion and worry.

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