14: The Feelings Have Always Been There

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Hey everyone! Here is a new chapter for you all! I know your all excited so let's get into this chapter!

:-{ D


Harley and Ivy sat down in the kitchen. They sat facing each other. Ivy was still stunned by Harley's confession just a few minutes ago. Since then, they hardly spoke. They wanted to sit down and discuss things.

"I... I'm still confused... You just said you're in love with me" Ivy said. "Why are ya confused red?" Harley asked. "It's just... I accidentally blurt out how I feel and I fear that I've destroyed our friendship. I thought that we could never... Be together" Ivy replied. Harley nodded slightly. Ivy thought that Harley didn't feel the same way. So when Harley revealed she loved her as well, it was a huge surprise. "Maybe I should explain" Ivy suggested. "Yeah red" Harley smiled. Ivy nodded.

"My feelings didn't start straight away but they did start pretty early on. It was a number of things that made me fall for you Harl. Your personality is so fun and energetic. It's also so adorable. I love everything about you. It made me fall in love with you and the more I saw you, the more I loved you" Ivy began. She took a deep breath before continuing. "When Joker use to... Beat you up, I couldn't stand it. It made me hate the Joker so much. I wanted to tell you that he was wrong for you but you were so blinded by love for him that I couldn't say it. Then you eventually decided that you wanted to live the rest of your life as a normal person without crime. You left the Joker and moved in with me. Since you moved in, there were so many times where I wanted to tell you but things kept coming up... Kept preventing me from telling you to the point where I decided to give up. It felt like fate was telling me to stop trying, it would never happen" Ivy explained.

There was a long pause. Harley thought deeply about everything that Ivy had said. Harley looked at Ivy who were staring down at the table in front of her. "Wow red... That sucks, I-I'm sorry" Harley said softly. Ivy looked at Harley and smiled slightly. She shrugged her shoulder, tears forming in her eyes and a lump growing in her throat. "It's okay Harl" Ivy managed to say. Harley got up, moved her chair round the table and sat next to Ivy. Harley saw Ivy's hand and slowly placed her hand on top of Ivy's. "Red... I mean it. I'm sorry. Through the whole time we've been friends, I've always felt something but I didn't understand what it was. I always ignored it. I always ignored the feelings I felt for you because I did not know what it was, that was until earlier when I was thinking of you. Loads of thoughts filled my head, of you. Of us. That's when I started to realize. That's when I realized that I loved you like you love me... I spent so much of our friendship blinded by love for that lunatic that I didn't focus on what was in front of me the whole time... You" Harley said, staring Ivy straight in the eyes. 

A tear slowly rolled down Ivy's cheek. "For most of our friendship, I was so blind because of Joker that I didn't realize what was really here, in my heart. It was love red. Love for you. I always loved you, it just took me until today to realize what these feelings are and what they meant... I love ya red" Harley told her, smiling at the end. Ivy smiled, tears rolling down her cheeks happily. "I love you too..." Ivy replied happily. Harley pulled Ivy into a hug. Ivy smiled, closed her eyes and wrapped her arms round Harley.

They pulled apart and had smiles on each others faces. "So what now red?" Harley asked. "Not sure... Would you like to help me in the garden?" Ivy replied. Harley giggled and shook her head slightly. Hearing Harley's giggle gave Ivy butterflies in her stomach. "No silly, I mean what now for us?" Harley asked.

This was a good question. Now that they have confessed there love for each other, what was next? Ivy knew, but wasn't sure if she should say it. It was a big thing. It would change their lives forever. Ivy resisted the question at first but then remembered that Harley loved her back. She was in love with Harley and the question she wanted to ask wasn't going to do anything bad. Ivy knew that she needed to step up, be strong and be confident. Ivy took a deep breath. "Well uhm... I was wondering if we-us-uhh... If you wanted to uh be with me..." Ivy said, getting completely tongue-tied. Her face growing warm by the second. Harley smiled, knowing what Ivy wanted to say. "Sorry red? I'm confused" Harley replied. Ivy gulped. "Well I was wondering if we could be uhh... You know" Ivy replied. "Know what red?" Harley asked, leaning closer. Her face only a few inches from Ivy's face. She had a smile on her face. "Come on Harl" Ivy begged, blushing deep red. "I know, but I wanna here ya say it bay-bee" Harley half whispered with a smile still on her face. Ivy took a deep breath. "Do you... Wanna be my girlfriend?" Ivy asked nervously, butterflies going crazy in her stomach. "Only if you agree to be mine" Harley replied. Ivy's smile grew wide and nodded. "Then yeah red, I'll be ya girlfriend" Harley said with a smile and the pair hugged again...


Awwww, they are going to make such a cute and adorable couple! Do you all agree? Post in the comments your thoughts. I will try and post a new chapter tomorrow or Tuesday.

The next chapter is titled: "It Finally Happens". See you all in the next chapter!

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