29: We Can Do it

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Hey everyone and here is another chapter for you all! The 1K Views chapter did amazing. I'm glad you all loved it. I was surprised at how fast this fanfic reached 1K views. I nearly didn't have the chapter ready in time lol but I managed to get it done and released as soon as the fan fic hit 1K.

So this chapter is a little weird but it's putting this fanfiction into a certain direction. Things are changing. Not in a bad way, but just changing. I want to give this fanfiction more of a story since it's been pretty much one shots so far.

I'm still gonna try and make chapters as cute and possible but if they suck, then I'm sorry.

Anyway! On with the chapter!

:-{ D


Ivy was sitting in the kitchen. The kitchen table was full of paper work spread out. She sighed, thinking deeply. She picked up a piece of paper and read it. After about a minute, she put the paper back down on the table and sat back in her seat. Ivy closed her eyes for a few moments before standing up and going over to the sink. She had a drink of water before going upstairs.

When Ivy got to the top she paused. She heard humming coming from the bathroom. Ivy smiled and went into the bedroom. After a few minutes, she left the bedroom and went into the bathroom. Ivy smiled as she could hear Harley's humming more clearly. Harley saw Ivy and smiled as she continued to rub shampoo in her hair. Ivy smiled at her and turned around to the sink. Ivy looked in the mirror at herself and sighed. She then left the bathroom and went back into the bedroom, flopping on the bed. After a few minutes, Harley wandered in with a towel wrapped round her tightly. "Hey beautiful" Ivy smiled. Harley giggled and went over to Ivy and sat down on the bed. Ivy sat up and moved closer to Harley.

Ivy began to dry Harley's hair with a hair towel. "You okay red? You're a bit quiet" Harley asked after a few minutes. "Yeah, I'm okay Harl" Ivy replied. Harley moved so then she was sitting in front of Ivy. "Come on red, you can tell me" Harley urged, placing her hand on Ivy's leg. "Well... Money isn't great at the moment. I'm not surprised, it's because we don't work. Since we're not criminals anymore, we're just not getting money from anywhere. I had money to last for a while but it's slowly going" Ivy sighed, playing with a strand of Harley's hair. "I could rob a bank" Harley joked. Ivy smiled slightly. "So, what do we do?" Harley asked. "I don't know. We have money to keep us going for a little while longer but we will need to think of something" Ivy replied. Harley nodded in response. "Let's not think about money right now though" Ivy said, trying to lighten the mood.

Harley smiled and leaned forward, planting a kiss on Ivy's lips. Ivy smiled in the kiss and pulled Harley close to her. Ivy fell back and Harley laid on top of her. Harley giggled down at Ivy. "Have I ever told you that you are so adorable and cute?" Ivy asked. "Yeah loads" Harley replied with a grin on her face. Ivy laughed slightly. Ivy placed her hand on the back of Harley's head and pulled her in for a kiss. Ivy then rolled over so then she was on top of Harley. Harley giggled and Ivy smiled down at Harley. Ivy planted her lips on Harley's, letting the kiss linger for a few moments. She then kissed her cheek before slowly moving down to Harley's jaw line. Harley sighed happily, smiling at the feeling. Ivy then moved down Harley's neck, planting soft kisses along the way. She kissed Harley's collar bone and moved to Harley's shoulder and planted a kiss there. Ivy smiled as she looked up at Harley who was enjoying what was currently happening.

A few days went by and the pair arrived in Gotham. Ivy parked up and turned the engine off. "Uhm, red... Would it be okay if I go and do something while you're shopping?" Harley asked. Ivy looked at Harley, confused at her question. "Okay, just uh... Be careful baby" Ivy told her. Harley nodded and leaned over, kissing Ivy on the lips.

An hour went by and Ivy was nearly finished with the shopping. She placed a loaf of bread into her trolley full of food and paused when she saw Harley walking towards her. Ivy smiled as Harley approached. "Hey" Ivy greeted, putting an arm round her waist and kissing her. "You okay?" Ivy asked. "Uh, yeah I'm okay" Harley replied without much enthusiasm. From that moment up until they got home, Harley didn't talk much. Ivy was very worried. She knew Harley better than anyone. Ivy knows when there is something wrong. Right now, Ivy could tell that Harley has something on her mind.

Later on in the evening, Harley and Ivy were sitting together and watching TV. They were cuddled up to each other, keeping each other warm. Ivy felt Harley sigh. "Harl, are you okay? You've been really quiet since you met back up with me in Gotham" Ivy asked softly. Harley shrugged and stared down at the floor. "Harley, your worrying me. What's wrong?" Ivy demanded, moving so then she could look at Harley. "Well... We're having money problems and I wanted to help. I had a job interview today while you were shopping" Harley began. She paused for a few moments before continuing. "I didn't get the job. I tried red, I really tried I promise. I'm sorry... I wanted to help you red and repay you for everything. You've been the most amazing friend and girlfriend and I've done nothing to say thank you" Harley explained. "Oh Harl... You don't need to repay me for anything. I don't need a thank you either. I have looked after you, fed you, I've given you home... A life. I did all those things because I love you. As for the job, thank you for trying baby. You didn't have too but thank you" Ivy replied. She smiled at Harley and the pair wrapped each other in a big, long hug...


So yeah, as you can tell things are changing slightly. And not just in the story, hope you liked the more spicy chapter. Want to make it a bit more exciting for you all so it's not tame and boring.

As I said, I'm trying to give this fanfic more of a story. It's still gonna have a lot of cuteness and adorableness in it.

Next chapter is titled "Something Black, Red and White". See you all next chapter!

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