74: Plans

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Hey everyone! Last chapter did amazingly well and I am so glad you all loved it. I thoroughly enjoyed writing it and it's probably one of my favourite chapters. Thank you all for supporting.

On with the chapter!

I need you" Ivy told her in a shaky tone. "Of course sis, I'll always be here for you. You don't need to be scared or worried. I am so happy that you told me and I am so happy for you both" Christie replied, laughing slightly. She then pulled her into a hug. "I am so, so proud of you" Christie told her softly, hugging her tightly. Ivy smiled slightly as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Harley was standing just outside the kitchen and out of view. She smiled, happy that everything went well. Ivy sniffed as her hug with Christie ended. She wiped her face to rid the tears and smiled slightly. "I know you're there Harl" Ivy stated. Harley slowly stepped into view. The pair smiled at Harley. "Come here" Christie invited. Harley accepted the offer, walked over and the three of them hugged.

"I'm going to cook us dinner" Ivy said after the hug ended. "You don't have too sis" Christie told her. "I want too" Ivy smiled in response. "Okay" Christie replied, also smiling. The three of them stood up. Ivy began getting things out the cupboards while Christie and Harley left the kitchen and entered the living room. The pair sat down together. Christie saw how nervous Harley was. She smiled slightly. "So... You and my sis" Christie smirked. Harley couldn't help but blush. "It's okay Harley, I'm just teasing" Christie told Harley.

Harley relaxed a little. "Are you sure?" Harley asked. "Of course! There's no need to be nervous. We're a family now. When we were younger, we disliked each other and use to be so mean to one another. We never saw eye to eye back then. But a few years after she left home and I got older, I realised how horrible I was to her. She was only horrible to me cause I was more horrible to her. It was my fault. I wanted to say sorry and that I wish her so much happiness. I wanted her to be happy. Then I found her and you and I saw how happy she was already and... It was because of you. You made her so happy. And now I know the real reason and I am so, so happy for you both. Thank you Harley, so much for taking care of her. Loving her... And making her so happy" Christie told Harley. Harley smiled at the kind words. "It's okay, I'm so happy to have her in mah life and it makes me so warm inside that I've made her so happy" Harley commented. Christie smiled at Harley and extended out her arms, offering a hug. Harley smiled and gladly accepted the hug.

Over an hour went by and dinner was ready. As Ivy served the food, Harley and Christie helped lay the table. It wasn't long before they were all sitting together and eating happily. As Harley and Ivy were eating peacefully, Christie looked at the pair and smirked. Ivy noticed her smirk. "What's funny sis?" Ivy asked. "Well, you two being together as a couple explains something" Christie pointed out. Ivy frowned slightly. "What's that?" Ivy said. "Well, one morning a week ago I caught you coming out of Harley's room" Christie began.

Ivy started blushing. "You know sis, if you wanted to sleep in the same bed as Harley you could have just said. I wouldn't have been suspicious at all" Christie laughed. Ivy's blush deepened. "Told ya red!" Harley piped up causing Christie to laugh harder. Ivy covered her face with her hands. "I'm only teasing you sis" Christie said.

After dinner was done and they cleared up, the three of them relaxed in the living room. "So, now that you two have settled in here. What's the plan for you both?" Christie asked. "How do ya mean?" Harley replied. "Well, what do you want to do to pass the time? A job or hobby?" Christie pointed out. "That's a good question. I'm not too sure" Ivy answered. "Uhm... I uh... I'd like to do something but it might sound a bit silly" Harley spoke up, playing with her fingers nervously. "No way will it be silly! What is it?" Christie urged. "Well I'd like to uhm... Study at University again" Harley revealed. Christie's face lit up. "Hey, that's great! If you want to, I can get it sorted out" Christie revealed. "What? Really?!" Harley gushed. "Of course! I work in the University. I can get you in no problem" Christie revealed with a smile. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Harley yelled, jumping up, running over and hugging Christie. Christie laughed as she hugged her back.

Harley sat on the arm next to Christie after the hug. "Uhm, sis... I uhm would like to study Science. Would I be able to as well?" Ivy asked. "Of course I can" Christie replied with a big smile. Ivy smiled happily. "Today has been a rollercoaster... But amazing. Thank you sis for everything. For accepting us and helping us with getting a place at University" Ivy said softly. "It's okay girls. We're a family and I don't care if you two are in love. I'm so happy for you both and I gotta admit... You make a cute couple" Christie told them both. Ivy smiled, blushing slightly. "Right, so here's the plan" Christie began...
Hoped you all enjoyed this chapter. If you can, please do follow me on Instagram; link is down below or search: jakewales97. My profile picture is the same as on Wattpad. I post behind the scenes and updates. If you have any questions or want advice etc, feel free to message me through Wattpad or Instagram. Post your thoughts about this chapter in the comments below.

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Next chapter is titled: 'Induction'. See you all next time!

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