59: Leave Us Be

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Hey everyone! I'm glad you liked the last chapter. I enjoyed writing it. I will be updating you all on something next chapter, so look out for that.

On with the chapter!

Ivy finished her drink and placed the empty mug on the side next to the sink. Ivy sighed before walking out of the kitchen and stopping at the bottom of the stairs. "Hurry up Harl" Ivy called. "One second baybee!" Harley replied. Ivy smiled slightly and shook her head. Harley always took the longest to get ready. Ivy couldn't quite understand it. She walked into the living room and sat down. A few seconds later, Ivy heard Harley run out of the bedroom excitedly and run down stairs. All of a sudden, there were a number of bangs as Harley fell down the stairs.

"Harley!" Ivy exclaimed in a panic. She jumped up and out of the living room up to Harley. She knelt beside her and placed a hand on her shoulder gently. Harley had her back to Ivy. "Baby, are you okay?" Ivy asked worriedly. Harley groaned. "Yeah... Ow" Harley moaned, rolling over onto her back with a little laugh. "Are you hurt?" Ivy asked. "I think I'm good" Harley replied. She then started to giggle. Ivy slapped on the arm playfully. "Don't giggle! You could have seriously hurt yourself!" Ivy stated. Harley tried her best to hold in her laughter. "Awwwww, I love how you care about me so much" Harley said, trying to keep a straight face. "Pffft" Ivy responded with a sound. "Awe ya big softy" Harley giggled, poking Ivy's cheek. "That's it!" Ivy exclaimed and began tickling Harley. Immediately, Harley began laughing uncontrollably as Ivy tickled her.

Harley then accidently banged her foot on the bottom step from squirming uncontrollably. "Ow!" Harley cried in pain, holding her throbbing foot. This time, Ivy began laughing. She fell on her back as she continued to laugh. "Hey, not funny!" Harley protested, still holding her foot. "Serves you right!" Ivy said in between laughter. It wasn't long before Harley began laughing. Both of them were lying on the floor, laughing their heads off over the silly situation that had just occurred. It definitely was a rare moment for the pair to be in absolute stitches. Of course they have a lot of laughs, but this was completely different.

After laughing for a while, the pair started to calm down. "Come on you, let's get going" Ivy breathed, standing up before helping Harley up. They got ready and left the house. Once they got into Gotham, Ivy parked up and they walked hand in hand down the street. "Where too first baby?" Ivy asked as they walked slowly down the road. "Let's go to da mall first!" Harley suggested. "Good idea! It's a nice day today; maybe we could go get some ice cream too?" Ivy smiled. "Yeah!" Harley exclaimed excitedly.

As they walked, Ivy noticed a few people staring at them as they walked past them. Ivy started to feel a little angry in the pit of her stomach. To try and keep calm, Ivy focused on Harley as she put her arm round her shoulder. Ivy was trying her best to ignore the ignorant people. They walked into the mall and began looking in their favourite shops.

Whilst looking in a clothes shop, both girls had separated briefly. Harley was looking at a very nice emerald green leather jacket. It were similar to the one Ivy had but this one was darker and much nicer. "Need any help?" A woman asked. Harley turned to see a woman who clearly worked in the shop. Harley smiled. "Nah, I'm just looking" Harley replied. The woman saw the leather jacket and smiled. "I must admit, when I saw it I was tempted myself to get it" The woman revealed. Harley smiled. "It's really nice. "Trying a new colour?" The woman wondered. "Huh?" Harley said, looking at the woman. "Oh no, no, it's not for me. It's for mah girlfriend" Harley replied with a smile. "Oh" The woman uttered before going all weird and quiet. "Is something wrong?" Harley asked in a confused. "Oh uh, no erm" The woman stuttered. Suddenly, Ivy appeared not looking too pleased. "Come on Harl, let's go" Ivy said, leading her away. Harley could tell Ivy was upset by how the woman reacted to Harley. "Why does it seem like today is a bad day?" Ivy thought bitterly.

A little while later, Harley and Ivy were sitting in the park enjoying an ice cream each. Following the incident in the clothes shop in the mall, the pair had been almost silent whilst looking round the rest of the shopping mall. Harley hated seeing Ivy angry. "You okay red?" Harley asked softly whilst eating her ice cream. "Yeah... Sorry I've been a bit quiet" Ivy replied, not looking at Harley. "It's okay. I understand" Harley said. Ivy looked at Harley and smiled slightly. Ivy took a deep breath to soothe her frustration and she put her arm round Harley. Harley smiled slightly and leaned into Ivy while still eating her ice cream. Ivy noticed three teenage boys standing about fifteen feet away. She could clearly see them glancing over constantly. The more they stood there, the more annoyed she got. Ivy then saw them laugh at something after glancing over.

That's it, she couldn't take it anymore. Ivy stood up and walked a few steps closer to them. The boys looked at her. "If you've got a problem, come over here and tell me instead of looking and snickering you pieces of trash!" Ivy stated angrily, her fists clenched. Harley had never seen Ivy this mad. She thought Ivy was going to go full on rage mode. The teens looked at each other, slightly scared. "Get lost before I wipe the floor with your faces!" Ivy yelled, causing them to quickly walk away.

Ivy sat back down and breathed out heavily. "I'm sorry Harl... Just... All day today we've been getting looks and stares and I just couldn't deal with it no more" Ivy apologised. "It's okay red, I'm proud of ya for being more open about our relationship outdoors" Harley said. Ivy smiled slightly. It still It infuriated her how people treat same sex couples different to heterosexual couples. Does it really matter when it came to love who you loved? Harley sighed sadly. "What's up baby?" Ivy asked. "Well, I saw a beautiful leather jacket I wanted to buy for you but we left in a hurry" Harley explained. "Oh... Aw Harley. I tell you what, we'll go back now. Okay?" Ivy asked. "Yeah okay!" Harley smiled happily.
So, another cute chapter for you all like last chapter. I am trying to bring out more cuteness in Harley and Ivy's relationship. Also trying some different things as well which seems to be going okay so far. I hoped you all liked the story to this chapter as I want to do more about how same sex couples are treated differently. You can expect more chapters like this in the future.

Now, next chapter is the big one. When you come to read it, the shock may not seem too important but trust me. After next chapter, things will be changing. Chapter 60 is basically the start for a huge storyline for this fanfiction that I reckon you will all enjoy. It's something very different, that I can promise.

Hoped you all enjoyed this chapter. Post your thoughts in the comments below.

Next chapter is titled: 'Unforeseen'. See you all next time!

H&I:60 - 14.09.17

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