2K Views Special

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Guess who's VERY late on releasing the 2K Views Special? : )

Hey everyone and here it is! The 2K Views Special! I am not very organised with this one. I apologize as I know this special chapter is in fact late. The views jumped quickly and unexpectedly, which is why this is late. Also some other things which is more personal.

Just a few things to tell you. Firstly, the next big milestone is the 1 Year Anniversary which I have a plan for. However, I do have a feeling this fanfiction will hit 5K Views before then. What will I do for that? I have noooooo idea. I shall see. Secondly, there is some delays with the return of the chapters from the break. I've partly finished chapter 46 and planned onwards but I am not 100 percent happy with chapter 46. I'll be revising it. When will this fanfiction return? Well, I'm not too sure. Hopefully, I can get things moving very soon.

ANYWAY! On with this special chapter! The first story is written by me. It's kind of a throw away idea I never used. It's also not as long as the second story idea. The second story idea is by TheShadowIllusion who has come up with a brilliant idea. I think I did a good job with making it cute. I think you will all definitely enjoy.

Enjoy everybody!



It was a normal day. Ivy was in her greenhouse working and Harley was cleaning up. Harley hummed as she dusted the shelves in the living room. All of a sudden, she accidentally knocked over a display glass plate which had a weird pattern on it. The plate fell and smashed on the floor. Harley gasped and froze. "Oh no, no, no, no" Harley said, bending down and looking at all the pieces of the plate. "Red is going to be so mad at me!" Harley exclaimed. Harley thought for a few moments before quickly grabbing a dustpan and brush. She swept up all the pieces and dumped it into the bin. Harley sighed sadly. "I'm such an idiot" Harley sighed sadly.

An hour went by. Ivy entered the house through the back door. "Hey baby" Ivy smiled, pecking Harley on the cheek. "Heya red! How's the greenhouse? Good?" Harley asked nervously. Ivy eyed Harley suspiciously. "Yeah..." Ivy replied. Ivy poured herself a drink and took a sip. "Do you want a drink?" Ivy asked. "No thank you red! I'm good! Fine!" Harley replied, smiling as wide as possible. Ivy raised her eye brow. Something was off, Ivy could tell. "Okay. Do you wanna come to the greenhouse? Help me out for a bit?" Ivy suggested. "Uhm, I uhh. Sorry red, gotta do some things round the house!" Harley answered, hurrying out the room. Ivy didn't know how to react. Harley was certainly being odd. 

It was dinner time. Ivy entered the house and was surprised to find Harley cooking. "Sit down red, it's nearly ready" Harley told Ivy with a smile. Ivy smiled as she sat down. Harley served dinner and she sat down with Ivy. The pair began to eat their dinner. "Wow Harley, you are really improving! This is delicious" Ivy said causing Harley to grin. "Thanks red! I'm really trying to improve my cooking" Harley revealed. "Well your doing a great job baby" Ivy smiled.

Shortly after finishing their dinner, the pair went into the living room to relax and cuddle up in front of the TV. For most of the evening, Ivy noticed Harley's quietness. It was starting to worry her. It was around half ten when Harley sighed and sat up. Ivy straightened up a bit and looked at Harley in confusion. "Uhm, r-red?" Harley began nervously. "Yeah Harl?" Ivy replied. "I have something to tell you but promise me you won't get mad" Harley said, sounding extremely nervous. "Okay" Ivy replied. "I want you to know I am really, really sorry. It was an accident" Harley added. Harley paused before taking a deep breath. "I smashed that plate that was on the shelf over there" Harley told Ivy nervously.

Ivy looked at the spot to see the plate not there. "You mean the one with the weird pattern printed on it?" Ivy asked. "Yes... I-I'm so sorry! I'm trying to cut down on my clumsiness but it just happens and I can't control it! I'm so, so, so sorry red!" Harley rambled, her eyes watering with tears. "Hey, hey. Calm down baby" Ivy soothed, placing a hand on Harley's cheek and rubbing it gently with her thumb. "Let me tell you a little secret" Ivy half whispered. "Okay?" Harley replied. "The plate wasn't valuable at all. It was a present from my mum that I got one year for Christmas a long time ago" Ivy revealed. Ivy then smiled. "I'll tell you something else. I don't care it's broken. In fact, I'm happy you did accidentally smash it because I hated the thing!" Ivy added. Harley's eyes widened. Ivy started to laugh. "Thank you for doing what I've always wanted to do! Smash that ugly plate!" Ivy laughed. "So... You ain't mad at me?" Harley asked. "Of course not you silly sausage! Come here you" Ivy laughed, pulling Harley into a hug. "What am I going to do with you?" Ivy asked, smiling. Harley giggled. "Break more things you hate?" Harley suggested. "Give me five minutes and I'll write out a list" Ivy replied. The pair then laughed in each other's arms, enjoying the rest of the night before bed...

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