69: Harley and Ivy's Announcement

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Hey everyone! I know things may be moving along slowly, that's because I am setting up the upcoming story arc so things aren't over exciting. However, really awesome stories are coming and I can't wait for you all to see what's in stall.

Next chapter will be the final chapter for a while. I know I've had a long break before last chapter but this next break will be longer. Sorry!

On with the chapter!

Ivy followed Jane to the front door. "So, what are you gonna do?" Jane asked. Ivy shrugged. Jane sighed. "Chin up Pamela, something will turn up. Just hang in their" Jane smiled softly. Ivy nodded slightly. "Call me later, okay?" Jane said. "Will do" Ivy replied. Jane hugged Ivy. "See you later Pamela" Jane half smiled. "Yeah, see you later" Ivy replied, smiling slightly. Jane walked out and Ivy closed the front door. Ivy sighed softly, thinking about everything she and Jane had talked about. "Red, we uh... We need to talk" Harley said softly, playing with her fingers. Ivy nodded softly. "Okay" Ivy replied, unsure what was coming. They walked into the living room with Harley leading the way. The pair sat down in the living room, next to each other. Harley wasn't sure how to start, but she knew what she wanted to say. "Do you uh... Wanna drink red?" Harley asked. "Uh, yeah" Ivy replied. Harley got up and went into the kitchen. Whilst Harley were out the room, Ivy thought to herself nervously. She knew what she wanted to tell Harley but she didn't know how to tell her. Ivy didn't know how Harley would react. She did not want to upset her. But at the same time, she may not be bothered. She sighed as she thought about Christie. If only Christie didn't have to leave.

Harley returning snapped Ivy out of her thoughts. She handed Ivy her drink. "Thanks Harl" Ivy said, smiling slightly. Harley sat back down, next to Ivy. Ivy took a sip of her drink before putting it down. "I heard you and Jane talking..." Harley began nervously. "Oh" Ivy replied, realising where this was going.

Ivy sighed softly. "Harl... Please understand, Christie means so much to me... You both do. I would do anything for you both because you two are the only people I need in my life. You're family to me and... I can't let either of you go. I love both of you so much" Ivy began before pausing for a few moments to keep herself from crying. "I can't let Christie go" Ivy added sadly. Harley didn't say anything for a few seconds before smiling slightly.

"Throughout mah whole life, I've lived in Gotham and for most of it; it's been filled with bad memories... Throughout a big part of my time living in Gotham, I haven't had anyone who stood by me... I did not have any family or anything. I've gone through so much that sometimes I wish I could just run away. But, the one thing that always kept me here was you red... You've made me so happy. I've had the best time of my life when we've been together" Harley began. "What I'm trying to say is, you are my family red. So is Christie... She's like a sister a sister that I've always wanted. I'm so happy to have you both in my life" Harley went on. "Truth is; I can't lose Christie either... She's become a part of our family and I want her to stay as part of our family" Harley smiled. "W-What are you saying Harl?" Ivy asked. Harley placed her hands on Ivy's cheeks and stared right into her eyes. "I want to leave all the bad stuff behind... Let's go red, let's go with her. Let's start a new life, away from Gotham with Christie" Harley replied. Ivy's face lit up. "Really? You really want too?" Ivy asked in shock "Yeah red" Harley answered. Ivy laughed happily and hugged her tightly. Harley giggled and hugged Ivy back...
Apologies for the short chapter!

Awh, a happy ending we haven't had for a long while. For a while now I've teased something big coming and now it is finally here. Christie's introduction is indented as the final stretch of Harley and Ivy living in Gotham. This was the long set up. It's been planned for a while and now, it's here. Moving the pair out and away from Gotham will introduce a bulk load of new storylines that I am excited to reveal along the way. I can also reveal that there is a lot more Ivy centred storylines. Also, there is the matter of Jane. Well she will appear in chapters every so often but you will notice that overtime, she will appear less and less. Nothing against her, it's just how the story is going.

Hoped you all enjoyed this chapter. Post your thoughts in the comments below.

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Next chapter is titled: 'Leaving Now'. See you all next time!

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