11: Please Stay With Me

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Hey everyone! We're back to the cute and fluffy chapters for a long while!! ALTHOUGH things will be a little dramatic for a few chapters as we are continuing straight from last chapter.

Going to do a double upload so I hope you are all ready! Anyway! On with the chapter!

:-{ D


The journey back to Ivy's home was silent. Batman offered Harley and Ivy a ride back which Ivy accepted. Ivy sat in the passenger seat. Every so often, she would look at the backseat at Harley. Harley was curled up on the back seat. She was not asleep, she was shaking however after the recent events she had to go through. The car arrived at the house. Ivy thanked Batman and got out. She then helped Harley out of the car. Batman drove away from the pair and the house.  Ivy led the way up to the front door. She opened the door, walked in with Harley, closed the door and locked it.

"Uhm... Do you uh, want anything to eat?" Ivy asked, putting the front door keys on the side. Harley did not reply. Harley just stared st the floor. "How about a bath?" Ivy suggested. Harley did not respond. "Harley" Ivy said softly, trying to get Harley's attention. "Would you like a bath?" Ivy asked her softly. Harley slowly nodded.

Harley and Ivy entered the bathroom. Ivy put the plug in the plug hole and started to fill the bath with hot water. She then added some strawberry bubble bath in. Ivy left to get a towel for Harley. Harley slowly started to undress. Ivy returned with a towel. She closed the door behind her. Harley stripped down to her underwear before pausing. Ivy turned off the taps and tested the water. "It's ready" Ivy told Harley. Harley shivered in response. "Here, let me help you" Ivy said softly. She went behind Harley and undid Harley's bra. Harley then slowly pulled down her underwear and let them drop to her feet. She stepped out and carefully got into the bath. Ivy grabbed a stool and sat down next to the bath. Ivy started to wash Harley's hair, getting it soaked. She then got some strawberry shampoo and rubbed some of it into Harley's blonde hair. Ivy washed the foamy shampoo out of Harley's hair.

After helping wash Harley, Harley got out and Ivy started to empty the water from the bath. Harley wrapped the towel round her. Ivy put the stool back in the corner, grabbed a hair towel and wrapped up Harley's hair. The pair left the bathroom and went into the bedroom. Harley sat on the edge of the bed. Ivy sat on the bed; behind and to the side of Harley. One of her legs dangled over the side of the bed, the other crossed in front of her. She unwrapped the hair towel on Harley's head and started to dry her hair. Ivy smiled slightly as she dried Harley's hair. "You smell lovely and sweet" Ivy said softly. Harley just stared at the floor, not giving Ivy a reply.

Ivy helped Harley get dry before Harley got dressed in her pajamas. Ivy helped Harley into the bed, tucking her in. Ivy sat on the edge, right next to Harley. Ivy stared down at the girl. "Harley..." Ivy began. Harley looked up at Ivy. Ivy paused before smiling slightly. "I'm sorry Harl... I promise, I will look after you. I will not let him harm you, ever" Ivy began, placing her hand on Harley's cheek. Harley's eyes watered. "I'll protect you Harl..." Ivy went on. "Always..." Ivy half whispered. She bent over and kissed Harley on the forehead softly. The kiss lingered for a few seconds before Ivy stood up and headed towards the door. "Red" a quiet voice called. Ivy stopped and turned round. Harley's bottom lip quivered, eyes full of tears. She had a lump in her throat. "Please don't leave me. Please... Stay with me" Harley said. Ivy gave a small side smile. She closed the door and walked over. Ivy got in the bed and Harley snuggled up to Ivy, placing her head just below Ivy's chin. One of Harley's hands were round Ivy's waist. Ivy held her in her arms. Holding her tightly, protecting her. Ivy kissed the top of Harley's head softly. She then breathed in and out and stared at the ceiling...


The next few chapters (as well as this one) is going to be good. Hopefully you'll like it and what I have planned. I know one thing that will make you happy ;-{ ) This one was a little slow which is why I'm doing a double upload.I'm trying to do two chapters a week. If it does not go to plan then I'm sorry! I have such a busy schedule and I am pushing to work on one or two new projects.

Not sure if this is PG or not haha. I'm keeping this appropriate for most people to read. If you DO want an uncut version where it's more inappropriate then let me know in the comments below. If I did do it then it would be more violent and more... ruder. It's all up to you.

UPDATE! This story is still not available on Fanfiction.net. Until I get more time and that then I will put it up but for now, it's only available here on Wattpad!!!

The next chapter is titled: "Tell Me". See you all in the next chapter!!!

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