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"To destroy is always the first step in any creation.- e. e. cummings

Music: Oh Wonder- Ultralife


For many years humans believed the different theories that their ancestors had told them.

Jean Baptiste Lamarck, Alfred Russel Wallace, Charles Darwin and the others.

It started as stories, told to the young children, until millions of years had passed and these turned into theories. I mean, how can they create these assumptions without even being there in the first place? Without even seeing what really happened? Without even being born that time?

How can they make this theories just from some animal bones they discover from the underground?

Humans are full of imagination, ideas coming out of their minds out of nowhere, and then they show themselves and tell the whole world that these ideas are indeed true. If that's the case then they could also say that cats have evolved from mice, or that the living beings just popped up from the land.

I have a lot of questions on how they really go to the hall of fame from their own ideas that came out of their heads. Don't get me wrong, I am not against the famous scientists but I do believe in the thousand of possibilities that are yet to unfold. That five or even ten years from now, a new theory would be told and that theory would again change humanities' view of their world.

I myself have my own questions regarding this topic, I mean like how would the humans and all other animals survive the asteroid that wiped the dinosaurs out of the earth? How would they even survive in a world full of dinosaurs? How did the humans reconstruct the earth after the massive explosion of the asteroid that almost left the earth a barren land unable to sustain life? How did the other animals and even humans survive the Jurassic period? Or let's say for instance, how did the monkeys survive in that time? Are humans even from earth?

No one knows anything, no human being knows anything about what happened in the past and everything just stays as theories and they just give a series of assumptions and a world full of maybes.

What if all of them are wrong? Or none of these are really true? That they are all just humans who had a dream about how the world began and then they made their own theories and the proofs presented are merely coincidences.

But let me ask you, have you ever thought that at least one person survived from the pasts years and have lived since the dinosaurs roamed the earth?

A being that was there since the beginning and is still here at the present, have anyone thought of that? That at least one had witnessed the entire thing and had passed it to it's successors, or maybe not, but who knows?

That this being may know the past and the future for it has seen the earth since the beginning and witnessed the actual thing.

What if it is just out there, hiding and waiting for another billion year to come? Or it is just around you watching and observing the whole world not wanting to interfere with the present generation?

Afraid of being revealed and be one of those science specimens, or afraid to lose the balance of the earth?

A single being that had seen the earth since the beginning through its own eyes, but the bottom line is...

That being is me.


Thank you so much for reading, this means a lot.

The Girl Who Lived A Thousand Years | #Wattys2017 √Where stories live. Discover now