Chapter 21- Hunting

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Carl's POV

It's been five years and I still couldn't reach her. I'm now a father of two and she's still nowhere to be found.

Yes, Selene is my fiancé and we still hasn't got married because of my hopes that one day, she would appear and come back in our lives. It feels like yesterday that she was smiling at my jokes, wasting food at the cafeteria, and accompanying me while we ditch our classes. She was my partner in crime and I feel like the very special day of my life isn't special without her.

The same goes for Selene, of course, she wouldn't want to get married to me without her maid of honor and I'm kinda worried now that there hasn't been any sign of her yet, even a tiny information wasn't present.

I wonder what's happening to her now, I had a lot to tell her, a lot that only a best friend could understand. There are a lot of times I needed a crying shoulder, a person I can tell my problems with, a person who could understand me, give me advice and buy me ice cream until I couldn't eat anymore.

I wanted to tell her about the special moments of my life, the day I found out in going to be a father and the day I found out im going to be a father again.

Me and Selene? I don't know what happened, I didn't feel anything for her before, that's what I think.

After the graduation, we got a little drunk and Selene was there, I didn't know what happened that night, but I sure am happy it happened because I came to realize how much I've taken my feelings for her for granted.

The next morning after that night, our parents excitedly talked about us but who am I kidding, we're too young for that at that time I'm only eighteen and she's nineteen.

I know that we're at the right age now and I'm already twenty three and I'm turning twenty four this year, I have two kids already, a five year old and a two year old, both are boys.

But she's still missing.

"There are still no signs of her. Does she really exist?" That's the question almost every investigator asked from me when I hired them to look for her.

At first I thought she was just going to college and she forgot about me or she left without further notice but then the people around me didn't seen to notice she was gone.

What triggered my suspicion is that all her records vanished, the school never seemed to have any records of her, her house was sold to someone else and the family insists that it was long abandoned until they decided to move her, they say the house was theirs, and they inherited it from their family.

How can someone standing in front of you now vanish in thin air like she never existed at all.

I sometimes think she was all just an imagination but Selene and Mikhail knew she was real.

"Of course she is, what the hell are you talking about."

"Sir, forgive me but as an international investigator, I've reached all the parts of this world and there isn't anyone with the name Nathalia Greene. My idea is that she used a fake name or she belongs to a family with connections which prevents us from finding informations about her."

"You're all the same." I said, irritated at the same results.

"Calm down Carl." I didn't even notice that Mikhail had already arrived.

"How was it Mikhail? Are there any results?" But he replied with a sigh.

That was us for the past years, looking for her, waiting for the day she'll appear in front of us.

"None, I swear my life it's her."

"Oh come on, don't insist that she was the one you saw at the beach in Bahamas, she isn't in the guest list and you're drunk that time, you're just hallucinating." I joked, it's true he's been insisting he saw her there but it's just impossible.

"Then you could say that to yourself too." He said.

"I'm seventy five percent sure about it, there are only two pairs of eyes like that in the world and it's hers. Come on I've been with her for two years and I've been staring at those eyes for the whole two years." I said remembering the pair of eyes I've seen at the Lescoart's ball.

"That's fucking creepy, you sound like a stalker." He joked but there isn't a glint of happiness in his eyes.

I don't know what happened to my cousin, he still look the same as the day I've seen him wake up from his coma, clueless of who he is.

He still looks the same, but his eyes were lifeless, like he's been taking less care of himself for the past years, I know he has this strong connection with Ally ever since the first time they've met and even if he doesn't day it, I know he's helping me for his own advantage.

Deep inside, I know he cares so much about her and this isn't just about helping me, or being concern of me and Selene but I know he has his own motives.

It's been too long since he took over my uncle's company and it's been prospering and making its way to the top, but it's still not enough for that to happen.

Mikhail looks stressed from this problem and the fact that his wedding is upcoming. Karen's parents are getting impatient because of the long wait. I thought Mikhail would already have kids the day I'll get married but that's impossible and I've suppressed him this time, I have my sons and a beautiful fiancé.

I still remember the day they announced their engagement and all we've been waiting for is the wedding but that didn't happen and I don't know what happened.

Uncle Gilderoy insists that Karen and Mikhail should get married in order for their companies to merge and become one of the powerful company in the world. Of course, they couldn't beat the most powerful even if we say that Mikhail would marry every heir from the top ten, but that would never happen for no one dared to challenge the most powerful company in the world that has been reigning and staying at the top, for I don't know, maybe since the world one, not even a single person dared challenge the most powerful and mysterious family who owns that company.

The Ivanshovs

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