chapter 29

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This day has been one of the days I wanted to remember, the day he chose me.

My phone ringed, "we have a problem."

"What happened?"

"Someone was stealing from the company."

"What? Who?"


"What else."

"He's working with Dr. Laczowski and it looks like they'te coming for you."

With that, the door opened and I succumbed into darkness.


I groaned as I felt the pain in every part of my body, eating me, consuming everything inside of me.

I tried to move my body but I felt restrained in every part, adding more pain and agony to my nearly fading body. I am trapped. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't even move a muscle. I couldn't give up now, that's was what I've been telling myself for almost a minute before I did my best to open my eyes and see the hell I'm put through.

The light was blinding and the white and clean room didn't help in shielding my sensitive eyes from the sudden brightness. I roamed my eyes and saw my hands and my feet strapped to what looked like a hospital bed.

Then it all came crashing to me, Caspen's call and Dr. Laczowski. I didn't tell Caspen anything about him nor myself. He was no more than a friend or an acquaintance perhaps. I didn't know what to think of him now as he entered the room smirking at my weakened state.

"It's a funny thing my grandfather spilled the beans after he died." Then it dawned to me, his grandfather died in a car crash, and there is no way caspen was there with him.

"What have you done?" Then he laughed, an evil laugh.

"Well, let's say I was just wiser than my grandfather. Wise enough to know everything as he died." His grandfather swore to never tell anything about me until his last breathe. This all doesn't make sense.

"Want to hear a story Vanna? Or should I say Matricia?" Then he moved closer to me, "I once took a man, tortured him, and killed him."

"You're a monster! You're no Balthimore!"

"Oh yes, yes, very intelligent Vanna, just what I've expected. But you're still a naive girl. I'm no Balthimore. You see I'm an orphan and he took me, fed me, educated me and I killed him for good." My blood boiled and heat surged into my veins.

"I'm Marco Laczowski." Then the sinister smirk crossed his face.

"Don't scare her too much Marco, I told you a lot of times." A new voice joined us and I saw him again, the person I despise the most.

"Dawson." I said like his name was poison

"Good thing you still remember me dear, I don't even know what name to call you now, you've got a lot of it."

"I swear I'll kill you this time."

"Aren't you happy you're home?"

"This isn't my home you monster!"

"Ah, still the same person who woke up in the small lab." He eyed me warily. "I really missed you my love." Then he inched to hug me and I couldn't do anything. He hugged me too long I almost thought he fell asleep as his head stayed on my chest. I tried my best to calm the beating of my heart.

"It still beats fast when I'm near you love. Some things never grow old." Then he laughed, "No offense, you're still pretty even if you're old."

I couldn't talk. I don't know what's happening and everything he's saying doesn't make sense at all.

"Aren't you happy you're home with me again love?"

"What are you talking about? You're a mad man."

"This is your home."

"This is not my home."

Then he called Caspen again.

"Show her the film."

And then I saw it, everything. This changed my life.

I saw myself as a kid in the swing as I ate ice cream. I was happy and laughing while the person filming was laughing with me.

I saw people which I assume are my parents. I saw my teenage years, me graduating highschool and my friends. I saw myself entering college. Then the film turned dark. I saw myself in a room, I was with some kind of doctor.

Then I attacked him, I killed him. It was an asylum, I was crazy.

Nurses rushed in and injected me with something until I calmed down.

Then I saw myself, with Dawson, we were in a beach. We were happy as he chased me and then he proposed to me. I had a genuine smile in my face as well as he. We kissed and I felt everything, like my life was replaying in front of me. Then I saw him again, now I'm tied in a table while different apparatus and equipment are around me and some are attached to my body.

I've seen myself change and undergo different processes. Then I saw myself again, this time healthier and I was with Dawson as he hugged me from behind. I didn't know I was crying all along, he still held me as we watched the film.

Then I saw myself so lifeless, as Dawson did everything to talk to me. My eyes said nothing, like I have no soul at all.

"Let's give up, we have nothing left." That was Condrad, Mikhail's father.

"I can't let her be like this." Dawson sounded desperate and for a moment I can't recognize him. Dark circles surrounded his eyes and he looked like he hasn't slept for years.

"We can do nothing more son."

"I won't give up on her. I love her." Then my heart skipped a beat, this felt real and wrong at the same time.

"Love is a funny thing, we all die because of that." I felt my restraint removed and Dawson moved me in his embrace. He inhaled my hair like he wanted to encase my scent and smell it forever. He held me close to his chest as we watched the film.

Then I saw him doing more to my body, different processes I didn't want to remember. Then I woke up, but I was a different person. I acted like I didn't know him, like my husband is a foreign person. Like Dawson was a foreign person even if he saved my life. Everything was wrong.

Then I understood. Everything is a  lie. My life is a lie and the reality is in front of me. So many years I've ran away from him but all along he was the savior I was waiting for. All those were just programmed memories and everything wasn't true. The reset and everything I've believe in is a product on the program he implanted on my brain.

"No!" I screamed as more and more realizations emerged.

"That's was the greatest failure of my life. I wasn't able to save my wife."

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