Chapter 7- Home

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"To me, you were more than just a person. You were a place where I finally felt at home."

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"Hi, what? Why are you here? What are you doing here?" Of course, I have to pretend I didn't know, but his eyes looked at me with confusion. Damn you Solomon....I mean Mikhail.

"Uhmm...can I enter first." He looked at me like he wanted to say a lot.

"Yeah sure, come in", I hesitated for a moment but then I decided to let him in like a normal person would do.

"Can I crash here tonight, Please just tonight, and please don't tell Carl about it." He said as soon as he entered and made his way to the kitchen to drink water. So he feels at home already?

"Why? What? I thought you left already?" Yeah, you go leave now or you make everything worse.

"Yes, but I cant leave right now, it''s complicated. I was going to leave but then-" Complicated my ass.

"Yeah, you don't need to explain to me, we merely know each other and I'm just someone here letting a stranger stay in my house in the middle of the night." More like I don't want you here but you're here standing in front of me like I needed the explaination stop it, you're making it worse I assure you.

"Promise it's just for tonight, I would leave tomorrow first thing in the morning, I just need some place to stay."

"Okay then let me show you the guestroom, this way." I moved on the hallway and felt him following me from behind.

I opened the guestroom and regretted as I saw that it was a mess.

"Uhm. Just wait here I need some fixing to do."

"Yes, sure, I'll just stay right here."

I immediately regretted letting him in and offering the guestroom which turned to be my room for relaxation, which turned to be a complete mess.

It was filled with my paintings, from all over the years and paint is splattered on the walls which won't seem to come of any time soon. Thank god the floor was covered with newspapers to prevent paint from spilling on the floor.

I immediately hid the paintings on the empty wardrobe together with the paints and art materials.

I got a black plastic bag and quickly placed the trash in there which includes crumpled papers, newspapers, empty containers of paint, and some old materials.

I quickly changed the bedsheet, put clean ones on and put some extra toiletries in the bathroom and spread the comfy carpet on the floor.

All this is done in thirty minutes, woah, I didnt see the time there and I wonder what he is doing outside. Did he fall asleep already? Its nearly one o'clock in the morning.

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