Chapter 18-Unfinished Business

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10 months later.

Days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months as usual, I've started to manage the company smoothly, like how I've ten doing it for the past years.

It's been 10 months since I've stepped in this place.

I've lived in the Ivanshov mansion where everyone had served me, I lived the way like Mattricia did. The mansion was large with no life in it. Servants were everywhere and I know they seem useless for they're doing nothing most of the time.

I know that I've failed their assumptions bit I can feel that at least they're contented and somewhat happy with the situation. They longed to see and finally meet the heir of Mattricia Ivanshov.

Most of the servants were descendants of the servants from the past, families who had dedicated their loyalty to the Ivanshov family.

It had been a new life for me and I'm not having that hard time to cope and get used to it for I've been in this situation for several times.

As a usual day, I've dressed into my casual outfit and started descending the large stairs of the mansion and proceeded to the kitchen, not to eat, but to tell the servants what they would do today.

"I'll be leaving for a week or two, so until then, feel free to take the days off." I addressed this to the house servants.

"I need the others to go check out plantation and notify them that I'll be visiting them sooner or later." I told this to Ignacio, the head of the plantation who happens to visit here yesterday, telling me that the workers are looking forward to my second visit so that I could see the peak season.

I proceeded to my office and Caspen followed.

"Have you thought about it yet?" I asked as soon as he moved in front of me.

He pulled out documents from the envelope and started spreading it on the table.

"I don't think I could persuade her that easily, given that it's from her fiancé my Lady Ivanella." He said with a smile, I'm not surprised with this, for I already knew all about it.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you should call me Vanna from not 'Ivanella' it makes it sound like I'm an old lady."

"I'm sorry my Lady Ivanella but-" I head my hand to stop him.

"No buts just Vanna." I said as if not wanting any more replies about the certain topic and he easily understood it.

One thing that I love about Caspen is his ability to grasp information even without doing it verbally, he can easily understand and sense something based on someone's actions and I don't consider it as a threat but a great help for he can understand me.

"You're thinking about it again are you?" He said as he moved closer to me.

"I can't help it, they-"

"You don't have to say it, I understand. Sometimes you don't always need to say what you're feeling, there will always be someone to understands you, even if you don't say it, they will feel it." He always had this calming effect on me and in his arms, I felt security.

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