10~ I Don't Wanna Hear More

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I hate schoolwork 😩

It's been a few days since I last spoke to Beyoncé. After the whole Drake thing she hasn't been answering my calls and she has been leaving me on read.

I think she doesn't want me anymore, I have a surprise for her though. I bought tickets so we can go to Houston with her family. I just hope she accepts.

I got in my Mercedes C250 and drove to Beyoncé's apartment. The doorman already knows me so he rung me up. I knocked on her apartment door and she opened the door.

"Bey-" she just closed the door in my face.

"Please, open. I really want to talk to you," I begged.

She opened the door again and crossed her arms looking at me, "Talk."

"I'm sorry for what happened the other day during our date. I am so sorry," I said.

"What exactly are you apologizing for? Do you even know?" She asked.

"Can I come in?" I asked as I looked around the hall.

"I guess," she shrugged moving aside.

She let me in and closed the door, "I thought at the beginning that you were mad because of what Drake said and because of my old ways," I started.

"Wrong. See-"

"But then I realized you were mad because I didn't say anything or defend you," I finished.

"Exactly," Beyoncé said sitting down.

"I'm not going to lie. Before I met you I used to be with many different women. I made sure I stayed clean and all that but I was on that wild shit since it was the only way I didn't feel empty," I said.

"What do you mean empty?"

"I mean I'm the lifestyle I'm in people are only there for their own benefit. Like 'oh maybe if I pretend to be his friend he'll buy me a car or take me on a trip'. People are just that fake," I explained.

"If you know they're fake then why do you still pay for their stuff or let them be around you?" Beyoncé asked.

"Because it's hard to know if a person is there for you or for what you own or could have," I said sighing.

"What does this have to do with-"

"I know not much, but I thought if people saw me happy with this women I would feel happy too," I said.

"But I'm not like them, Shawn! I won't be like them and if that's an issue then you can leave," She said tearing up.

"That's the thing, I know you are different. At the beginning when I first met you I can't lie and say I was mainly attracted to you by your looks. I just wanted to impress you and be able to show you off and basically just hit it and-"

"Quit it," she finished, "Seriously? Shawn you just.. I don't even know," she said wiping her tears.

"My real friends told me you weren't about that and I figured it out on my own. They say I'm to old to still be out here looking for girls and shit but I just didn't know if I could give it up," I said.

"So you were just using me?" Bey asked hurt.

"No, at the beginning I was but then I fell for you. My friends show me pictures of their kids while I show them pictures of my cars. It makes me feel empty," I confessed.

"You.. you fell for me?" She asked slowly.

"I did. You aren't like the rest. You told me what you wanted. You showed me your goals, your dreams. When I heard you wanted kids, a husband, a successful job at such a young age I was highly impressed since most girls your age just want fame or money.. but you want way more," I said.

"I know. I've just been let down so much that I don't know if I'll get that."

"My only goal was to get more money but ever since I met you I've been thinking about settling down, having kids and-"


"What?" I asked looking at her.

"Are you just saying this or do you mean it?" She asked slowly.

"I mean it. I mean it so much- you know I can show you better than I can tell you," I said.


I got down on one knee and pulled out the small box from my pocket, "Beyoncé Giselle Knowles. You are the most unique and irreplaceable woman I have met, you have made me happy like no other. You have me on my knees literally-"

"Shawn. I don't think I'm ready," she whispered shaking her head.

"Baby, no. Relax, it's a promise ring. I want you to stick by me and I'll promise to do the same for you.. no matter what," I said putting the ring on her finger.

"I promise, I'm not going anywhere," she said nodding as she gave me a kiss.

"Bey," I called and she looked at me, "I think I'm falling in love with you.."

"I think I'm falling in love with you too," she smirked.

"Oh, before I forget I have a surprise for you," I said standing up.

"Another surprise?" She asked slowly.

"Yeah. I remember how you said your mom wanted to meet me and all. I can't say I'm not nervous but I bought the both of us tickets to go to Houston and visit her," I said pulling them out of my pocket.

She launched at me and squealed wrapping her arms around my neck, "When!?"

"Next week," I said biting my lip.

"So you knew I was going to forgive you..?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well I was hoping you did. Because if you didn't I would be so damn embarrassed," I said laughing.

"Awe thanks," she said giving me another kiss.

"When we come back I want you to meet my mom, officially," I said.

"You do!?"

"Yeah, I know it's a big step but I'm ready," I said confidently.

"Shut up. I don't wanna hear more. You already have me basically crying over being so cute," she said hushing me with a sweet kiss.

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