12~ I Can't Take It

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"Uh Shawn.." Beyoncé moaned scratching my back.

I gripped her thighs as I rocked my hips against hers. Her body slid up and down the bed making her boobs bounce as I pumped in and out of her.

"Shit, you too tight," I groaned grabbing her breasts and squeezing them.

"Ooooh daddy," she cried out holding onto my forearms as she kissed on my neck.

"Yeah, what's my name?" I asked into her neck.

"DADDY!" She cried scratching my chest in ecstasy.

"Yeah, that's right. This my pussy?" I asked aggressively as I rubbed her clit.

"Mhm it's your baby, all yours," she said as she sucked on the skin on my right shoulder.

I held myself up with my arms on either sides of Bey's head and began pounding fast and hard. We both groaned as Bey rocked her hips against mine.

"I'm about to-" Bey said cutting herself off by moaning.

"Me too," I groaned, spilling into her. Her juices dripped down my waist as she clung onto me with her legs wrapped around me.

"I love you," She said kissing me softly.

"I love you too," I said pulling out and laying next to her. She rolled over and laid her head on my chest as I began playing with her necklace. I tried to catch my breath as she stared at me smiling.

"Mm, let me ride you," Bey said sitting up.

"No," I said breathing hard.


"I can't take it, your pussy too damn good. I swear I'm so tired, I need a nap," I said closing my eyes. 

"NyQuil," she laughed placing a wet kiss on my chest.

"You goddamn right," I said as I tried to take a nap. She rubbed on my cheek making me even more sleepy. Before I knew it I drifted off to sleep.


I woke up by loud music, "I JUST WANNA GET FUCKED UP..."

I opened my eyes and looked around, Bey was nowhere in sight. I put back on my clothes and left the bedroom.

Beyoncé was laying on one of the seat playing some music as she read. "Whatchu reading?" I asked plopping down next to her.

"Oh shit! You scared me!" She said holding her chest, breathing hard.

"Sorry," I laughed kissing her softly.

"I'm reading Alice in Wonderland, I know it's childish but oh well," Bey shrugged giggling.

"It's a good work of literature," I agreed.

"How long till we land?" She asked impatiently.

"Let me check the flight plan," I said turning on the Service Tablet placed on the table.


"It says we have about 30 minutes before landing," I said setting down the tablet.

"Rob and Chyna?" Bey asked pulling out her iPad.

"Hell nah! That show is so bad," I said.

"Baby, you didn't even finish the episode I was watching," she pouted.

"Because it was bad, just in that one episode the chick changed her wig like 6 times," I said growling in her neck.

"Ok compromise, how about we watch Real Husbands Of Hollywood?" She suggested.

"See, now that's my show," I smirked.

"Good, me too. Boris fine ass," she winked.

"Uhh.." I shot her a look.

"Oh come on. I'm with you, baby," she said kissing me over and over.

"I'm hungry," I sighed.

"Good that makes us two."

"What tickles your fancy?" I asked her.

"I'm really craving some pasta with marinara sauce and some lemonade," she said.

"I can make that happen," I nodded.

"How? We are thousand whatever feet in the sky!"

I clicked the service button and soon a flight attendant came, "Yes, Mr. Carter?"

"Do you think the chef could make us pasta with marinara sauce?"

"Most certainly. Anything to drink?" She asked.

"Two lemonades please," I said.

"Yes, sir. Excuse me," she said leaving.

Bey laid her head on my legs as we watched Real Husbands. Once we were about 10 minutes into the episode the flight attendant came back with our food.

We wasted no time in digging in. A few minutes after the co-pilot announced we would be landing now.

"Yay! Houston!" Bey cheered putting on her seatbelt.

"Look at you all excited," I smirked as she looked out the window.

"I'm going to see my mommy and eat her bomb ass food so hell yeah," she said shaking her legs.

The plane began descending and Beyoncé gripped my hand as the plane shook a bit. I looked at her and noticed her eyes were shut. "Baby, we landed," I said softly as I placed a kiss just bellow her ear.

She opened her eyes and looked around, "Then let's go!" She said standing up. All of a sudden she is so energetic. We grabbed our stuff and one of the guys from the flight crew was loading our luggage into the Escalade I had shipped for us.

"Come on! You taking too long!" Bey said impatiently as I unlocked the car.

I opened her door and helped her in before going to my side. I drove off and went according to the directions she told me. Normally I would hate for her to be the one being the GPS but she knows Texas like the back of her hand.

"Ok now take a right and go down to blocks and the hotel should be there," She said.

I followed her orders and pulled over to the Hilton Hotel. I parked at the valet and helped Bey out the car.

"Mr. Carter, pleasure to have you here. Mark over here will be taking your bags upstairs and David will park you car, here is your valet ticket," The manager said.

"Thanks uh.."

"Johnathan. If you need anything just call main desk and ask for me and I'll be of service," he said.

"Thanks," Bey said nodding as we both walked inside.

"What floor did he say?" I asked Bey since she had the key card.

"We got the penthouse suite," she said looking at the card.

"Aye we bout to-" she covered my mouth blushing as we waited for the elevator.

"Shut up," she laughed. We got to the room and everything was perfect, we had some complementary snacks, food, massages and even 24/7 service no cost added.

"Wow, this is all too much," Bey said stripping out her clothes.

"Perks of flying with me," I smirked undressing too. We both laid down and cuddled as we slept for a bit.

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