16~ She Don't Agree With Him

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Happy Birthday Princess Blue! ❤👑

Months later:

"Shaaaawn!" I heard a voice yell from the entrance of the house.

"Yeeeeees!" I mocked.

"Come help me get these bags in the house!" I groaned and rubbed my eyes getting out of bed.

I put on my slides and some grey sweats. I walked down the steps and saw Beyoncé staring there with like four bags in hand.

"Damn how much stuff did you buy?" I asked.

"In my defense I bought the groceries too," she said raising her hands in defeat. I chuckled and kissed her, "Ew baby you stink. Go shower, I can't believe you are just getting up until now."

"Gee thanks, babe," I said walking outside to see her new Range Rover with the trunk open and stuffed with bags.

"Just being honest, daddy!" She called from inside the house.

I shook my head laughing as I helped her take the bags inside. In total it took us two trips after that to get all the bags inside.

"Ima go take a shower, I'll be right back," I told her as se began taking everything out the bags.

"Ok, as soon as I finish putting this stuff away I'll get started on lunch," She said.

I nodded and began walking away before turning, "Wait a minute. What are you making?"

"Grilled fish and vegetables," she said looking at me questioningly.

"Oh. Baby, stop looking at me like that. I just have to make sure that what you cook doesn't kill me, I have a business to run," I said grabbing a towel and heading towards the bathroom.

"Fuck you!" Bey yelled and I felt something hit my back.

"Did you just throw a shoe at me?"

"Yes, Mr. Carter, I sure did," She said smirking.

"Ooooh you lucky I 'stink'." I said going to shower.


"What's up? You've been too quiet," Bey said as we ate.

"I feel like I have to tell you something but I can't remember what," I said scratching my neck.

"Well is it something bad?"

"Oh I remember, hold on," I said standing up.

I grabbed the letter I got and handed it to her.

Dear Mr. Carter,

We are contacting you from E! Entertainment because we are very interested in doing a reality show on you and your wife. To us it doesn't matter if it is just a special of an episode or two, but it would be amazing to get an inside look to the life of business mogul Jay Z. All earnings, profits, filming days and such can be discussed directly with me or my team. We hope to hear back from you.

-Zoe Carnell from E! Entertainment

"I forgot to show you this," I said handing it to Beyoncé.

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