20~ You Got A F'real F'seroius Role

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Last chapter was kinda shitty 😭.


I sighed as I dropped on my hotel bed. It has been a week and a half since the honeymoon and I had to go to Atlanta for two to three days for a few meetings.

Bey was sick when I left two days ago and I'm a bit worried about her still. I left her like that, initially I wasn't going to leave but she said she was fine and didn't want to interfere with my work schedule.

I took off my tie and took my suit off leaving me in just my boxers. I reached over and grabbed my phone. I scrolled through my contacts and called Beyoncé through FaceTime.

After a few rings she finally answered. "Hey baby," she waved as she too, laid in bed.

 "Hey baby," she waved as she too, laid in bed

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"Hey, you feel better?" I asked her.

"Awe that's so sweet, you called to check on me!" She blushed and blew me a kiss.

"You know I will.."

"I know. Well my migraine is finally gone and I think my congestion is much more better. I already ate some soup and I'll have a solid later, I'm thinking of a sandwich or something that won't upset my stomach," she said.

"Babe, don't put no chunky sauce on it cause that will make your stomach ache worst," I scolded her.

"I know. But it's sooo good!" She whined as she pouted her lips. I yawned and scratched my head as we just looked at each other.

"How was your meeting, babe?" She asked me with a smile.

"Boring.." I mumbled as I turned over and got more comfortable.

"Well in other news.. guess what," Bey said with a smile.

"What?" I asked standing up and going towards the bathroom.

"You have to guess!" She complained cause I love messing with her when she says that.

"Hold on," I set up my phone on the counter while I pulled down my boxers. I took a quick piss and then went to wash my hands.

"Shawn, that's disgusting! How you gon pee in FaceTime!?"

"I couldn't hold it longer," I shrugged.

"Normal people hang up and then call back!" She laughed.

"I didn't want to hang up," I pouted, "So what were you going to tell me?"

"You have to guess, damn it," she said rubbing her forehead.

"You dying your hair?" She shook her head, "You getting your nails done?" She shook her head.

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