3~ Possibly...?

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"So can you come hang with me?" I asked.

"I'm not going to lie. You did impress me but I do have to go home. But you can have my number," she said with a giggle.

"That's fair enough," I said handing her my phone so she could type in her contact.

After a few minutes she handed me back my phone and stood up, "Pleasure meeting you, Mr. Carter," she said with a smile.

"You too, Beyoncé," I said and she began walking away. I left out a breath and paid for my bill.

I walked over to Kanye, "Did you like the album?" He asked.

"Yeah it was dope, but I'm gonna go ahead and bounce now," I told him.

"It's cool. Thanks for coming," he said before turning back to the party.

I began walking outside and towards the valet parking. "Do you have a number, sir?" The guy asked.

"Yes, here," I said reaching into my pocket and handing it to him.

"I'll be right back," he said going to the key car booth. I stood there waiting and then he parked my car in the driveway. "Here you go, sir," he said giving me back my keys.

"Thank you," I said giving him a small tip and getting inside my car.


"Mr. Carter," Sandra, my assistant said knocking on my door.

"Come in," I called closing my lap top.

"I called Ms. Knowles's office like you asked me. I told her about you wanting to remodel your office," she said.

"Perfect," I said and she just stood there, "Anything else?"

"A meeting will be held with Taylor and her lawyers in the conference room 2 in a few minutes. She is requesting you there," she informed me.

I groaned and rolled my eyes, "Ok, I'll be there. I just want her snake ass out my company," I said and Sandra nodded leaving my office.

I prayed to Jesus that my promise of not putting my hands on a woman remained. I finally stood up and walked inside the conference room.

"See this is what I was telling you about. Lack of professionalism," Taylor said pointing at me.

I simply mean mugged her and sat down at the head of the table, "My apologies. I had actual business to attend to," I said.

 I had actual business to attend to," I said

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(Ignore the cat 😂)

"Hmmph," Taylor scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Well, what is this 'meeting' about?" I asked leaning back on my chair.

"Well, Taylor has gotten tired of being in the same label as a certain gorilla," this lady with glasses as large as her face said.

"And you are?" I asked.

"I am Shannon Jertrudice, Taylor's lawyer," she said putting down a folder.

"Well Ms. Steak and Shake, I'll ignore your racist comment and proceed to tell you the beef my artists have between one another is nothing I can control. They are each human beings who have freedom of speech," I said.

"What you are doing is favoritism!" Taylor said raising her voice.

"Lower your voice, please. We are all talking in a civilized matter here," I said.

"I don't care. You are letting an artist take credit for my success. When he did not once come to any of my studio sessions," she said angrily.

"On the contrary he may not have been there but he did review many of your tracks, which just so happen to be the ones that sold," I said.

"Well why wasn't I notified? You are giving another artist the best producers and writers while I am over here doing what I can," she said desperately.

"Oh please. Weren't you just talking about your success? Kanye has that team of producers/writers not because I give them out but because they actually want to work with him. Let's not forget who is dominating the music charts," I told her standing up about to leave.

"You know I'm signing with another label!" She called.

"Amazing! Let them deal with your music because you aren't what people want to hear. Your country/pop is dated," I said.

"Hah! Have you even seen my record sales?"

"I have, congrats you are the most bought by 6 year old white girls," I said clapping.

"You'll just come back crawling to me once my new album is out," she said ignorantly.

"No, actually. Sandra," I called.

"Yes, Mr. Carter?" She asked standing up as well.

"How about you bring Ms. Snake oops Swift over here, her termination contract on this label," I said and she nodded leaving the room.

"What!? You can't drop me like that!" Taylor said.

"I can and I did. Y'all have a blessed day. Oh and Taylor, I recommend you get pregnant by one of those boy band dudes that think you're psychotic because that will be the only way you'll be able to get money," I said walking out the conference room.

I walked back into my office and saw Kanye sitting on the couch laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked sitting on my desk.

"How you just fired her snake ass," he said laughing.

"I was trying so hard not to curse her out, I was literally about to laugh at her argument points," I said laughing too.

"So tell me about baby girl yesterday," he said wiping his tears from laughing too much.

"What about her?"

"I mean she had you entertained. Where she come from?" He asked shrugging.

"I don't know she was just there. I just want to tap that and maybe wave her around a bit," I said.

"She don't seem like the type to get down like that," he warned.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying she is young and beautiful, you wouldn't want to do her dirty like that," he said.

"Oh please. She seem like the nasty type," I said.

"Well at least consider this, you are in your 30's shouldn't you be settling down already?" With that he left.

He may be right. I'm just going to try to scoop her up and see what happens. I mean I don't even know her. I mean she could ju-

My thoughts were suddenly cut off by my phone, "Carter speaking," I answered.

"Well, well Mr. Carter."

"Beyoncé?" I questioned.

"The one and only," she giggled.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I got a call from your assistant saying you want me to remodel your office," she said.

"Yeah, I checked out some of your work. That's talent and that's what I want for my office," I said.

"Makes me glad to hear that. Unfortunately I don't mix business with pleasure," she said slowly.

"So you won't do my interior design?" I asked. I knew what she meant but I just wanted to talk more with her.

"Oh on the contrary. See, you have been telling me to make exceptions, so I'll do it," she said.

"Excellent! I have some ideas of what I want and-" she cut me off.

"Possibly." She interrupted slowly.

"Possibly..?" I asked but she had already hung up.

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