7- Banquet

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" So babe, my job is having a banquet,  for workers who has over exceeded,  and we have to bring our closest relatives, so  wrote down, me you my grandma, and Demetria, since it's only us few, we will probably share a table with another family" I told my husband.

" Alright, we can go shopping for it later and we can all wear the same color." He responded rolling a joint.

" Okay" I replied.



It was the night of the banquet and I really wasn't even up for going, I've been feeling sick for a while now.

My guest were Julian, Kain, and my mom , and brother. We all wore the same colors , dark blue and black. I had on a long fitted dress which complimented my curves, and it had a high slit which showed my entire right leg. Kain and Julian wore the same black and blue tux, it was a dark blue shirt and shoes, the jacket and pants and tie were black. Juniors tux was the opposite it was a black shirt and pants and shoes, but the jacket was blue, my mother wore a black dress that fitted her to perfection, her shoes were dark blue. I wore my hair and some pretty wand curls, and I didn't wear much makeup but eye shadow and lip gloss.

" Alright pretty ladies, y'all ready to ride ?" Junior asked.

" Yep, let me get my clutch," I responded.

" Julian, y'all can head to the car get Kain strapped in " I told him.

Then finally we pulled up to the nice building where the company banquet was going to be held.

We walked in , and in my opinion we were the best dressed, the workers seated us to the table and then we sat and socialized until it began.


I was extremely excited about this banquet, I was ready to show of how nice me and my family dress, we were looking good in our red and black, I knew no one was gone top us. When we pulled up in my husband all black Lamborghini, the workers seated us at the table unfortunately with Jah'nice family, I knew right then This was gone be a long night that I wasn't ready for.


" Behave , okay ?" I whispers in Julians ear when I saw who we had to share the table with.

He shook his head, I already knew he was pissed, because of the way he tensed up. The only thing I was worried about was my son, if Demetrius said the wrong thing to him I will loose my job this night.

I wasn't even gone lie, they looked nice all coordinated and such, her daughter was very pretty, she did look a lot like Kain too, I noticed she had a bruise on her face, and already I knew she had been beat, I felt sorry for her.

I looked over at Demetrius, his eyes were glued to Kain, studying his every feature,  I knew Julian saw what I saw because he put his arms around him. After they sat down we were all in silence except for my mom, only because she didn't know what our history with them was.

After they finished calling names and giving awards, I got two awards and Mulan got 1 , we all danced ate what they had to eat.

Right after we got through eating, I started feeling nauseous and I ran off to the bathroom.
Julian ran after me.

" You okay ?" He asked holding my hair.

" No, I feel bad, I think I may be pregnant again" I told him

A smile went across his face

" Well go to the doctor and find out tomorrow " he responded.

" okay " I said.

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