1- Life

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Its been 5 years since all that mess happened back when I was in high school, me and my family was living a good life. 2 years ago Julian family brought us a big spacios condo apartment for Christmas, we pay our own bills easily. Julian father gave him the company that he was working for , so now he is CEO and owner of the company the youngest there too he is only 23. After I finished high school , I went to college for two years, and then started working as a social worker for Jackson North hospital, I was the youngest at my job too I was only 22. My Baby Kain was now 4 years old and his birthday was right around the corner.

" Mama , can I have cookies?" Kain asked coming in my room .

" Wait , daddy on the way with some pizza " I said rubbing his curly hair.

" Is it kind with red circles ?" He asked.

" Yes baby , come on so you can get washed up for dinner " I said grabbing his hand.

I went in the bathroom and washed both his and my hands and by the time I was done I heard Julian coming in the house.

" Daddy ! Daddy ! " Kain said running to him.

" Hey son , & hey baby " Julian said hugging us both.


I hugged my son and Nicey , and then I fixed all of our plates , and then we sat at the table to get ready to eat.

" How was work bae " I asked Nicey.

" Work was work , but I hear we got a new recruiter coming in soon , and I have to show them the ropes " she said rolling her eyes.

" Well what's wrong with that ?" I asked.

" I just don't like people & it's a lot to learn so it's gone be a lot to deal with." She responded.

" Well I told you you ain't gotta work bae , I make enough to take care of things." I said.

" I like working baby , don't worry about it " she said smiling.

" Okay " I said kissing her face.

" Kain , you done eating ?" I asked him.

" Yep " he responded.

" I'll get him washed up " Nicey said .

" No , I got it baby , you relax." I said picking Kain up.


I watched as Kain left with his father , I finished up in the kitchen and then went in my room. I picked out what I was going to wear to work tomorrow, and then what I was going to sleep in tonight. Then I went and started my shower.

" I love you " Julian said creeping behind me .

" I love you too & I didn't ask you to join my shower. " I said laughing

" But you dont want me to leave" he said pulling me closer and rubbing my back.

" Julian stop , Kain is in the other room." I said kissing his cheek before pulling away.

" Wait till tomorrow " he said biting his lip.

After we showered each other we both layed down and went to bed.



" Dont fucking lie to me Trey , who you had in my fucking house !" I yelled at my boyfriend.

" This my house, and I told you no got damn body " He yelled back at me.

" I pay bills here too , Dont fucking play, and stop lying if you ain't have no body here who the he'll left they stanking  ass panties , huh ?" I yelled crying .

" Those are yours I told your ass that , stop asking me this shit. " he responded walking away.

" Lying ass but it's okay , if you gone walk away , then I can too." I yelled back.

I went into my twins room , and got there bags together , and then I got my purse and keys , and I buckled my kids in there car seat and left.

I knew for a fact Trey lying ass had been cheating, he cheated so many times it's crazy, and my dumb ass go right back to him again. It's just he the father of my 2 year old twin girls, Jayla and Jazel Tillman . He was a good dad, but a horrible boyfriend, and we've been together since graduation 5 years ago. This time I think it's over for good.



The Next Morning

" Kain hurry and finish your cereal so I can get you to school and mommy can get to work" I said.

" Alright baby I'm out " Julian said coming from out of the room.

" You look so handsome in your suit and tie" I said straigting his tie up.

" Baby you tell me this every morning. " he said laughing.

" Well cause you be sexy every morning " I said biting my lip.

" Thanks bae " he said kissing me.

" Kain , give daddy a hug before I leave." He said going over to his son.

" otay " Kain said hugging him.

Then we all left , because I pass by Kain school on the way to work , I always drop him off , and Julian gets off a little be for me , same time Kain gets out of school, so he picks Kain up.


" Mrs.Wilson , you have an appointment at 9:00 , and yesterday you schedule an different appointment at 9:30" My assistant said comming in my office.

" Can you call the 9:30 & tell them I rescduled to 10:00 " I responded
" Yes ma'am " she responded going back to her office.

Work here was pretty easy , it was very quiet and everyone had there own cubical office. Basically all we did was go in to people's medical records and fixed the mistakes the doctors made on the computer.


" I can't keep putting up with this Demetrius " I said breaking into tears.

" Putting up with what ? You got a life people dreamed of, You got a husband , daughter , You rich , what more do you want girl " Demetrius yelled back.

" Rich ? This dirty money Ace , you are a fucking drug Lord , you don't think I get tired of the police knocking at my door looking for you , or people following us , and plotting against us, we gotta think what's gone be best for our daughter Demetria " I said.

" Man , I ain't trying to hear this I'm taking care of my baby , and my wife , but I guess that's too much for you" he said walking out.

I was so pissed, he just did 8 months in prison and was acting like it didn't happen , he back to king of the drugs. We lived in a 2 story mini mansion , with a pool and Jacuzzi, we had 8 bed rooms and 5 and a half bathrooms. In the bank we had about 4.8M but it was all dirty money from his drug selling .


Young & Dumb 2 - Catching UpWhere stories live. Discover now