Penn's Story ~ Chapter Twenty-Two

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Gemma was surviving the silence one wave at a time. The silence was filled with chirping sounds of birds and crashing waves.

Gemma floated opposite of Penn the Siren was startled at the question.

Penn wasn't a touchy feely type of person so she wasn't one to talk about her feelings or her life stories in general.

"Why would you want to know?"

Penn asked curiosity leaking into her voice as suspicion came to cling around her. Penn lifted her brow in answer, waiting for the next sentence that would leave Gemma's lips.

"I came to a conclusion you could say."


"I decided if I knew Thea's, Lexi's, and your stories maybe I would find accepting this siren thing more easily."

Understanding flooded Penn. "I could tell you. But it's not an easy story to tell. "

"I need to hear it. "

"As you wish... It started about 60 years ago... " Gemma's eyes widened at the number.

To her Penn seemed to be only eighteen or so she would have never thought Penn to be that old to be a siren for such a long period of time. It saddened Gemma.

She heard Penn continue, " like you I was an ordinary girl living her life. I had a fiancé  he was everything to me. Although it was all in my head at the end of it all. "

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that when your in love - love is a weakness that you can never fully recover from. I was late walking back to my home from a friend's house and I spotted by fiancé and a couple of his friends. I knew I should have kept on walking as I could smell the alcohol from his breathe. He told me to come to him and his friends and against my better judgement I was curious to what he wanted from me in his drunken state. He started to take my clothes off in front of his friends I fought him off as best as I could at the time. His friends joined in and you know where the story is going.

"When they left me for dead that's when it happened I blacked out before I could see the women before me picking me up and speaking some language I never heard before. When I awoke I was a siren - and I've never been more grateful for the gift she had bestowed upon me. I told you it wasn't a story you would probably be expecting - to be honest I'm glad I chose you you have that fire that would make you a great siren. "

Gemma really looked at Penn and felt like she somehow understood Penn more now then she did a minute ago. She wanted to know all three of the sirens and for that to happen...

She made up her mind. Although she knew her mind was already made up when she awoke that night when she took the flask from Penn the night that had irrevocably changed her in more ways than one finding herself utterly enraptured by the siren before her and getting lost in the pull of the water song.

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