Giving In- Ch. Five

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Author's Note - So I just wanted to say thanks for all the reviews, and votes. They mean a lot to me, and encourages me to keep on writing. So, please keep the reviews coming!! Also, up till now I've been following the book, but this chapter will pull away from the main plot of Lullaby, and will start pulling towards the plot I created. Hope you guys and gals will continue to follow the story! Enjoy!

Gemma had lured Sawyer. The already thralled man, had been easy to bend to the wills of the three sirens.

Sawyer smiled.

Already thinking of the many ways that he could be of help to her. His mind a already lost cause.

Gemma, had given in. Even though every part of her was denying this, the Siren in her sang at the chance to shine.

Unrequited feelings began to stir. The unresolved hunger, and the gnawing feeling of pleasure had sprung it's way through.

Still standing in the middle of the hall. While dim light from the windows entered the hall. Lightening the many forms that were in the hall.

"Let it out Gemma." Penn urged.

Gemma glanced over to Penn, who now had an accepting grin written all over her face.

Her eyes, now gazing over Sawyer.

She had felt this hunger before.

But, she didn't remember it being so primal that it had encompassed her whole body.

Remembering, one-time when her and Alex had a pretty intense make-out session, and she had bitten him in the process.

That had been the reason she had snapped out of the hunger before, but there was no Alex, just Sawyer, and three sirens that would rather encourage then discourage actions that Gemma might regret, or enjoy.

A pawn only to the sirens. A nobody that wouldn't be missed.

Gemma's eyes glowed a red-orange. Her mind flashing , the scene of the three Sirens, before she had left Harper, and the land of Capri.

The form Penn, Thea, and Lexi had taken on, the creature-like goddess, the three of them showed.

Gemma didn't want to except this part of her. A part of her that she didn't know, but a part of her that wasn't afraid of who they were. A part of her that just gives in.

She knew that this was the last step, and after she could never go back to her sister, to her friend that she didn't even count as a boyfriend anymore. Having feelings that would betray Alex, and that would go against Harper.

"Gemma." Sawyer's drown-out voice whispered. His voice luring Gemma near him.

His skin touched Gemma's own. Igniting the hunger, the way Sawyer felt against her gnawed at the sensations that continued to burn deep within in her.

Her mind turned blank. Her actions not her own, her inner siren taking control. Relishing in the feel of Sawyer, tasting him in more ways then one.

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