Gemma's Question - Chapter Fourteen

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Author's Note- Hello, my lovely readers. I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while, but to make it up to you I posted two chapters in the same day. Also, I'm seeing that this story will be getting long, and will probably be nearing at least forty chapters. I just have so much planned for this story it's crazy. Well, I hope you guys/girls enjoy.

Gemma was laying in the warm, sun-bathed sand. Curling her toes deep within the crevices, her eyes remained closed.

While, rays of sunshine illuminated Gemma baking her to a tan. Gemma, didn't remember when the last time she relaxed.

Gemma could remember her late night swims. Sneaking out of her room for her midnight fix. She missed the stars, but the sun came in a close second.

After the breakfast fiasco Gemma decided to try and avoid the Sirens.

There way of living was too far-fetched. Seriously, they couldn't cook, or do anything themselves? Gemma, honestly thought the Sirens were just lazy... She imagined it, and it wasn't pretty. A topic, that wouldn't even be breached if Gemma cared about living.

Gemma sighed. Basking in the warmth that the sun provided. The sun gave her a sense of comfort, she wasn't wearing a tail now, but she could feel her scales anyhow.

The watersong hadn't bothered her, at least since her last feeding.

Gemma's feelings were in turmoil at the moment.

She needed to reconvene with Viserys.

Consequently, she didn't know how to reach him. She had left, quickly, and out of pure shock over him knowing about Sirens that she didn't really get the chance to exchange numbers.

Gemma's inner Siren wanted to be freed last night. It took most of her will not to pounce over his muscular, not to mention, gorgeous body.

Wait a minute, gorgeous? Was that what she really thought about Viserys?

Sighing again, Gemma pulled her arm over her eyes.

"Rough day?" Thea's voice interrupted. Giving, Gemma a somewhat reprieve from her wondering thoughts.

"You could say that." Gemma replied shortly.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Thea asked almost in a caring manor. Which, left Gemma questioning on why she was acting like this.

"Not really." Gemma said, as she shifted her weight, and laying on her stomach. While, re-opening her eyes to look at Thea.

Thea seemed to understand as she just sat down next to Gemma in complete silence. Somehow, however, the silence comforted Gemma. Thea wasn't the hovering type and Gemma thought that as nice.

"Thea, can I ask you a question?"

Gemma asked not quite sure if Thea would answer her question. So, she was totally surprised when Thea turned her head and nodded her answer in acceptance.

Gemma prodded herself up in a sitting position. She was itching her arms, her nerves getting the best of her, somehow, however, she had stopped her actions of itching and looked up to Thea straight in the eye.

"How did you become a Siren?"

Thea was caught off guard. Her eyes seemed to widen in bewilderment, and Gemma could see wariness for the first time in the Siren.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to. " Gemma added, not sure of what Thea was feeling at the moment.

"You caught me off guard, but I will
answer. But, my story isn't happy. None of our stories are happy. "

Gemma would, or could agree with that. Since it was true.

Her turning into a creature of myth wasn't her decision.

She was getting the feeling that maybe Thea had the choice ripped away from her just like she did.

Gemma was already sympathizing as Thea continued to explain how she became the creature that ruled over men's hearts and led them to despair at the bottom of the ocean.

Suddenly, the hot sand wasn't at all comforting, and her earlier problems were now minimal compared to Thea's.

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