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After going to The Ring I arrived back at my house. I wasn't as mad a when I left but I was still a little upset. I unlocked the door and walked inside.

"I'M BACK BITCHES!!" someone yelled
I pull my pistol out of my holster and aimed at the sound of the voice.

"2.5 seconds NEW RECORD" he screams

I chuckle and put my gun away," Conner you bitch"

"How else you be prepared to kill random bitches that aren't me" Conner replies.

I smile and flip him off.

"Pfft, whatever" he starts rummaging through my fridge.

"How the hell did you get in my house" I pester

He turns around with his mouth full," Oh shou smeft"

I interrupt him, "Conner how 'bout you not talk with your mouth full."

"Sorry" he replies sheepishly,"I meant you left the door unlocked"

"OH" is all I can manage after remembering what Kai said to me.

"Who got you upset" he studies my face.

What is it with people trying to figure me out today,"No one, are you staying here now" I ask hoping he drops it.

My prayers are answered when he smiles and answers,"Yeah, here you go" he hands me a wad of cash I'm assuming is rent.

"Thanks" I walk up to my room as he continues to eat my food.

*the next day*

"CONNER! Get up you gotta get ready for school"

I'm already ready wearing a tan long sleeve, jeans, and some white converses that might be a little dirty.

I'm already ready wearing a tan long sleeve, jeans, and some white converses that might be a little dirty

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"I'm coming hold on"

He comes downstairs wearing a red and black plaid shirt with a pair of blue jeans and some black vans.

"Alright, I'm ready, let's go." he states as he's coming downstairs.

We hop into my 2015 chevy sonic and drive off. I stop by Starbucks to grab something for us to drink. Then we arrive at the hell hole known as school. I park in the same spot as I did yesterday a take Conner to the office so he can get his shit. We walk out of the office while I check all of his classes to see if we have any together.

"Mkay so we have all of our classes together except for art." I smile.

"Cool" he responds but he's not focused on me.

I look at what he's glaring at only to see Kai glaring back at him. I roll my eyes and walk away not even checking if Conner is following. I find my way to English and sit in the back; I rest my head down and fall asleep. I can feel someone carry me away. But I'm too tired to open my eyes, just assuming it's just Conner.

A few hours later

My eyes slowly flutter open to see Kai.
I sit up fast with my hand hovering over where I keep my knife.

"What do you want" I whisper yell still tired.

"You sound like you're five when you wake up" he responds.

I mentally facepalm totally forgetting that after years of practice my baby voice in the mornings. I would fall asleep in class a lot so when a teacher would wake me up I'd sound super adorable and they wouldn't punish me. Obviously, it works multiple ways.

"Why did you take me from my class"

"You looked tired so I took you out of there before the teacher came in" he states like it's logic.

I don't even try with him. I just huff and lean on his shoulder.
"Who was that guy you were with this morning" he questions

I knew this question was going to arrive. I roll my eyes,"What's it to you"

"Just curious"

"Really 'cause it looked like you wanted to bite his head off earlier"

"Oh yeah," he looks nervous. I move to sit on his lap.

I look at him in his gray eyes,"How about you tell me why you were glaring at him and I'll tell him who he is"

He chuckles the replies,"Ok"

"He's my best friend. I've known him forever" I explain. "Your turn"

His smile leaves and I frown a little I like his smile. "I was jealous... he was the only reason you smile... I was hoping I could be that reason."

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