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To claim me. If he didn't walk away I would've punched him so hard. I AM NOT AN OBJECT!!! I can't believe it, I grabbed my shit and stalked off to class, holding the black rose. While I was holding it I noticed it had a frosty blue on the outside petals with a little note on the stem. I pulled off the note to read it.

when the last petal falls you will have fallen for me- Kai

I started to feel my anger melt away. I started to smirk a little.

Like I would fall for him, would I?

I continued to sit in class, thinking about him. I wonder if he really thinks I would ever fall for someone like him. I don't fall for the bad boys. I never did, and I don't plan to.


I slipped the rose in her hair and left, hoping she'd read the note. I have about a month or so before that last petal falls. I'm glad I got a genetically modified flower or I'd have a week to win her. Knowing I didn't have first block with her I took that as an opportunity to collect my thoughts and think.

What if I fail

What if I make a fool of myself

What if...

"Hi," someone's voice cutoff my thoughts. I look up.

She starts twirling her hair and batting her eye lashes. I used to find this attractive, I would have shot up and start flirting with her, but not today. Not after Snowflake. I scoff and leave her frowning.


I lay awake and all I can think about is Willow. I decide to text her.

Hey snowflake

What's with the winter names

I dunno- even though I can freshly remember why

Why are u txting me it's past midnight

Bc I was thinking of you


U kno u like it

Why can u not spell words

Stop Changing the subject

I'm not

Mmmm sure u wanna go somewhere

No I wanna sleep

To bad I'm coming to your house be ready in 5


See ya soon

I cut of my phone not even waiting to see what she was going to say. I threw on a gray long sleeve sweater and black joggers. I grab my tims and keys and drive off to her house.
When I get there I knock on the door and wait for her to open it. To my surprise it's Conner who opens the door.

"What the fuck are you doing here" he yells

"I could ask you the same" I bark back

"I live here dickwad"

"What," I ask dumbfounded

Snowflake pops up from behind him and tells him to go back to sleep and that she'll handle me. She's wearing a black cropped long sleeve that shows her belly button ring and gray pants, I smile when I notice we're matching. Conner goes upstairs, and once he's all the way up she turns to me.
"You should've just called me" she sighs

"How was I supposed to know he lived here too" I question her

She shakes her head," so where are we going anyway"

My smile grows," that my dear is a secret" I lead her to my car so she can get in.


The drive to wherever we're going is silent. He doesn't really say much but I can tell he's upset. After Conner opened the door to my house, I noticed he was tense. He was gripping the steering wheel so hard his caramel knuckles turned white. I knew he was upset because he just assumed Conner and I are in some sort of relationship even though I told him we were just friends. I grabbed his hand and he glanced at me strangely. I started massaging his knuckles so the color would come back.
"Conner and I aren't dating Kai" I assure him. I sense him stiffen.

"Yeah he's just staying at your house" he spits back.

I sigh, he won't listen,"Conner's gay"

He looks at me to see if I'm lying," Really?"

"Yeah, now stop getting so upset when you see him"

"Okay," he relaxes and so do I.

When we do arrive at our destination it's 1 o' clock at night. I mentally groan realizing I have to get to school tomorrow.

Kai leans down next to my ear and whispers,"I have to cover you eyes."
I nod; he covers my eyes while leading the way. I can smell the humidity rising and the sound of water flowing. He kisses my lips and he uncovers my eyes. My jaw drops. We're in a grassy area with a waterfall in front of us, everything behind us is just trees. I smile up at him, "How'd you find this."

He sits down on the grass before he replies,"I used to come here whenever I needed to think."

I sat down beside him but it wasn't good enough for him, he pulls me over and plops me in between his legs. While I'm squealing. He pulls me close to him so my back is to his chest, his warmth engulfs me and stops my shivering. We just sit there, not saying anything just, enjoying each other. He starts planting kisses along my jaw line with his soft tender lips taking his time between each one making me more anxious. Before he goes any further he jumps up pulling me with him. He throws me over his shoulder, and I starts screaming.
"Put me down!"

"Nah I'm good."

I start smacking his ass, hoping that will stop him but it doesn't.
"Nice ass." I smile cooly.
"Thanks," he just kept walking. And then he throws me. My body almost instantly feels cold when I plunge into the water. When I resurface I'm shivering.

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