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Its been a month. A whole month and we still can't find her. She was out of our sights for one minute and she's gone. Somehow I feel like it's my fault, but I know there isn't a way for me to fix this. Conner came two days after he heard what happened and Connie came the day pf since she was already in New York, Reid came a week after and we've been looking for her since. No one knows anything. We don't have any leads, nor do we have any reason someone would want to kidnap her. We tried contacting Avery but he's on army duty and we can't get a hold of him.
"Oh my gosh, how the hell did this even happen? We shouldn't have let her out of the fucking hotel!" I yell out.

"You think you're the only one upset, get in line pretty boy?" Conner snaps.

Everyone in the room goes back to silence and they start looking at the tapes of the club, the coffee shop, and the mall we went to that day. So far all we've seen is a bald man outside the door Violet went out of.

"Wait! Didn't Violet have a step-dad when she was younger?" Connie speaks up. She's been deathly quiet since she heard of the kidnapping. 

"Yeah, but he left when her mom was diagnosed. He had a serious drinking problem, but he was stupid rich." Conner mentions.

"Wasn't he bald and tall like that guy?" she points to the screen.
"Why would he do anything to Violet though?" I ask.

"The first time she ran away. When she got back she told me she went to New York and find him for help." Conner spoke.

Reid finally says something," that means she could have gotten into some trouble with him and she left before anything bad happened."

"Makes sense," Conner says dully.

"So what do we do?" I ask

Chase looks at me dully,"We retrace our steps, and figure out everything we can on what happened to Violet the first time she came to New York."

***later that day***

"So," I start.

We're all sitting at the exact same table with the exact same seats, at the exact same time as we were earlier. The only thing different is that this time we have a small stack of papers in front of us. In those papers holds everything Violet did when she went to New York. No one reaches for the files.

"Is anyone going to open them?" 

"What's the point, we already know what's in there," Conner answers.

Connie puts her head in her hands," Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. He took her, it was him, we have to find him." She stands up and slams her hands on the table,"did you fucking hear me? Get off your fucking asses and go find my fucking sister! Kyle, get off your dumbass if you fucking love her do something about it. Reid, if you have fucking feelings for her stop being such a fucking pussy about it and tell her!"

I turn to Reid,"Wait you have feelings for her?"

Reid starts coughing. He clears his throat," Let's go find your sister, Connie."

Everyone nods and stands up but me, I'm still confused. They all grab their key and leave the hotel room.

"He has feelings for her?"

I snap out of it. 

"Hey wait up I wanna find her too."

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