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"Then don't."

He looks a me deeply and sighs,"No you're not... I don't want you doing something you aren't ready for." He gets off of my and lays down next to me.

I look away,"I'm sorry Kai I..."

He cups my face and looks me in the eyes,"hey there's nothing to be sorry about I understand."
He lays down next to me and holds me. I feel so safe and secure in his arms. I start humming a random tune and slowly drift of to sleep.
When I wake up Kai's heavy arm is draped across my waist. I start to poke him and try to wiggle away but he keeps pulling me closer to him.
"Noo," he croaks out.

"Kai we have school and I need a shower."

He finally opens his eyes and smirks," Can I join you?"

I hit his chest playfully,"No."

He shrugs," it was worth a try."
I chuckle and he let's me go. I go to my closet and grab a few things to wear. I grab a black tank top black pants and rips in the knee, and my white undergarments. I walk into the bathroom to take a quick shower. When I walk out I'm fully clothed and clean and Kai is clothed and laying on my bed. He wiggles his eyebrows at me when he sees me. I laugh at him and go to my dresser to get my black leather jacket and black beanie that says Whatever, I put both of the items and pout.
"What's wrong babe?" Kai asks worriedly.

"Everything is a different shade of black and it doesn't match," I frown and look at my outfit.

He gets up and pecks my forehead,"Don't worry you look sexy."

I laugh,"Its too bad, I can't say the same for you."

He scoffs,"I always look sexy so there's no need to tell me."

"Suuurrree." I try to leave the room, but Kai grabs my wrist and turns me around; I crash into his chest.

"You can't leave without giving me a kiss," he has me pressed against his chest. I give in and peck his lips.

"That's not a real kiss, this is." he grabs my chin and presses his lips against mine. We hold the kiss for what feels like forever then he releases me. I tell him to follow me so we won't be late. When we get in the car I feel my back pockets for my phone.
"Shit." I breathe out. I run out of the car and upstairs. I grab my phone off of my night stand and yell out to Conner.
"Conner, are you going to school today?"

"I'm going later, bye!" he yells back.

"Bye babe."

When I get back to the car Kai is searching around my car.

"What are you looking for?" I tease him.

His head shoots up and hits the roof of the car. "Fuck" he hisses.
I laugh and get in; we sit in a comfortable silence until I break it.

"Kai, what are we?"

"I don't know babe, but whatever it is, it feels good." he replies.

I smile a little," Okay."
We ride silently for the rest of the ride. When we get to school I grab my bag and get out of the car along with Kai.
"What are you going to do without your backpack?"

Kai winks at me," I don't ever use it so what's the point of bringing it."

I shrug at start walking toward, he catches up to me and laces our fingers together. We enter the school building and eyes shoot towards us. Everyone looks down at our hands and the glares go our respected ways. Males are glaring at Kai, and females are glaring at me. I look up at Kai and he's smirking. I continue towards my homeroom. When I get to my homeroom Kai picks my up, my legs wrap around his waist as a reflex.
"I'm gonna miss you," he whispers.

I laugh,"Put me down I'll see you in a few hours."

He pouts,"But that's too long."

"Don't worry I don't like it either."

"Can't we just skip?"

"We already missed a week of school Kai."


I laugh," so, put me down I need to get to class."

He huffs,"Fine."
He puts me down and I scurry off to my homeroom. I sit in the back of the class room and wait for the teacher to come. It just so happens that my homeroom is English, my favorite subject. We haven't really done much though. We've read and analyzed poems but that's pretty much it. The teacher never shows up so our class get split after announcements. Instead of going to the class they told me to go to I head to the library.

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