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"I love you, Vio"

"I love you too Jaxon."

He's holding me by the waist as we dance together in the club. I move my hips against him causing him to pull me closer and kiss the tender skin of my neck.

"You're so beautiful."

I giggle. Me, beautiful. I can never see myself that way. When the song ends we leave the club. I have to drive because Jax is too drunk. We arrive at his house and as soon as I close the door he slams me against the wall and his rough tongue dives into my mouth.

"I want you so bbaadd Vioo," he slurs.

"I already told you I'm not ready Jax."

His huge hands start to roam my body, one of them cups my breast while the other fumbles around the top of my pants. I push him away," I said no Jax!"

"Come on baby, I know you want me," he dashes back towards me pinning me against the wall. He tries to unbutton my pants while I struggle under his grasp. I pull one of my hands free and punch him in the face. His hands fly up to his face," What the fuck Violet!"

"We're done Jaxon, I'm leaving," I scream at him.

"You'll never be able to escape Will I always find you."

"Go to hell Jax," I turn and run.

A gunshot rings through the air and I scream.

I shoot up. Goose bumps poke out of my arms and sweat trickles down my face. The memory still fresh in my mind I replay the events of that night. I look down at the cut on my arm reminding me of the life I took.

He deserves it

But so do I.

I stop thinking and look at my clock, it's 3:48 in the morning. I lay my head back down on my pillow and knowing sleep won't come again.



I haven't seen Snowflake in three days. She won't return my calls or texts. When I knock on her door there's no answer. I know she's avoiding me, I can tell by the way she looked at me the last time I saw her. She took in all of my features her eyes glistening with tears, the look in her eyes said she would never see me again. I wouldn't let that happen, I'm going to make this girl fall for me. I sit around my house thinking of her. Every time I think if her soft lips I down a shot of vodka, it's beyond midnight and I'm wasted but I still manage to think of her. I walk out of my house and into the streets. I wandered around for what feels like hours until I stumble across her house. I ring the doorbell and wait for an answer. Moments later a petite, beautiful girl wearing my jacket answers the door," Kai.. What are you doing here."

"I can't sttoopp tthiinkking ooff yooouu Snnooww... I miss yoou soo much... I miisss the waaay yourrr liippps feell agaainnstt mmiinee," I manage to slur out. She shakes her head and drags me upstairs and into what I can only guess is her room. She lays me down on the bed gently and gets on the other side of the bed. I reach my arm over and pull her closer to me so that her back is touching my chest. I slip my face in the crook of her neck and place a gentle kiss. My eyelids grow heavy and I let sleep take over.

When I wake up I have a pounding headache, but I still manage to smile because of Willow's small form curled up against me. She's facing me and her legs are pulled to her chest. My arm is draped across her small frame. Her legs start to uncurl and she snuggles closer into my chest, she lifts her head and opens her eyes.

"How's your head," she whispers.

"I'm fine... why are you avoiding me."

She slides to the other side of the bed," You should go, I'll just get you killed." I could barely hear her.

I grab her waist and pull her back to me," Let me decide if I want to leave."

She sniffles," I don't want to get you hurt."

"You'll just hurt me if you push me away, I want what's mine and that's you, Willow you aren't getting rid of me that easily."

"I kill people Kai, everything I touch ends up killed, I'm a monster."

"You'll have to kill me then because I'm not leaving. I will handcuff myself to you and swallow the keys."

"I can pick locks Kai that won't work."

"Then I'll tie myself to your bed in an impossible knot," I persevere

"I'll shoot myself in the leg so you have to take care of me," she giggles at my threats.

I sigh," I've been waiting for your smile."

She stops laughing and smiles at me. I take in her entire appearance. My eyes stop at her wrist, there's a cut on it. I grab her hand and lift up the sleeve on my jacket,"Willow did you cut yourself?"

She looks down and nods. I bring her arm up to my face and kiss the cut, she winces.

"Why'd you do it." she shrugs. "Bull shit Snow everyone has a reason."

She lifts her head, her eyes cold," One life one cut."

Her expression is emotionless. I gaze into her eyes looking for any sign of emotion but there isn't any, it's like she block herself from me.

"I'm a murderer Kai, last night I lost my temper and took the life of Jaxon Smith, the leader of The Widows, and that wasn't the first life it took," she explains."I'm now the leader Kai, people will try to kill the people close to me. If any enemy finds out you so much as spoke to me they'll torture you in front of me, or worse kill you. I can't be with anyone, I can't have a relationship, friendship, or any ties to anyone," she speaks bluntly. Tears appear in the corners of her eyes but her face remains the same. Her fists clench and she squeezes her eyes shut,"Get out before you get killed too."

I look at her like she's crazy, maybe she is. I stand up off the bed and walk over to the other side of the bed she's on. I pick her up and push her against the wall, her legs wrap around my waist instantly," No." Before she she opens her mouth to reply I crash my lips into hers. She doesn't kiss back a first, but then I feel her body relax and her lips start to move in sync with mine. I move my hands down to hold her legs against my waist and start mindlessly trace circles on her skin with my thumb. She pulls away and places her soft delicate hands on both of my cheeks,"Why would you want me."

"What do you mean," I whisper softly.

"There are thousands of other girls, all of them most likely prettier than me, more innocent, I'm nothing compared to others."

"You think I want those other girls who wear less clothing to get me to notice them, who just want me for my face, who think their body is what makes them pretty, nothing compares to you. I don't care how many people you killed, what you've done, because I already know you care about me, you'll have to kill me before I let you out of my grasps."

I kiss her more gently than I did before, I kiss down her jawline, her neck, her collar bone, I can't stop myself, she taste so good. She moans when I start sucking the skin on her neck. I continue biting, sucking, and licking her in different places until I start to miss the taste of her lips. I come back up and kiss her gently at first, then things slowly become heated, my tongue slips into her mouth and explores every corner and crevice of her mouth. I've only known Willow for a little more than a week and I've already grown attached to her, I don't ever want her to leave my side. I climb over to the bed and lay down with her on top of me not breaking the kiss.

She pulls away,"I'm not ready Kai."

I cup her face and peck her lips," There's no rush just let me hold you right now." she nods her head and lays down on top of me, I wrap my arms around her and kiss the top of her head.

I guess I've fallen, but I don't plan to get up anytime soon.

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