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I'm holding twenty-five bags, Conner's holding like a hundred, Kai's holding like two hundred, and how many is Connie holding? Two, Connie is holding two tiny little bags in one Fucking hand. We all have our own shit, but most of it is Connie's. Oooh when I get home I'm so going to slap the shit out of her. We finally leave the mall after all of us begging Connie to let us leave. We pile back into the car the same way we did when we left for the mall, I lay my head down on Kai's shoulder and fall asleep. When I wake up I'm on my bed and all of my bags are on the floor. There's a note on my night stand.

I didn't leave I'm in the kitchen- K

I smile and start going through my bags. I bought 5 snap-backs, 3 beanies, and 2 baseball caps. I put them all up and go downstairs to the kitchen. When I get there Connie is asleep on the couch and Conner and Kai are eating junk food from my kitchen. I wave at then and grab an apple and my keys.
"I have to go to headquarters I'll be back soon."
I walk out of the door and get on my bike, speeding off leaving a trail off smoke behind me.


I thought Snowflake leaving would be fine. You know she'll leave for a few minutes I'll chill with Connie and Conner for a while and everything would be fine. I have never been so Fucking wrong in my entire life. As soon as she left Connie opened her eyes making it obvious she wasn't sleeping and commanded me to sit down. Like the fuck? So I sit down in the chair across from her right? And Conner comes around and handcuffs me to the fucking chair. So they both are sitting on the couch just staring at me until one of then actually says some shit.

"So what are you and Will," Connie speaks up.

I stare at her for a bit thinking and then I answer her,"I don't really know how to explain it, we aren't officially dating but I wouldn't go off and start making out with some other girl, and I hope she won't do that either."
She and Conner continue asking me questions about her and what I think of her and if I just want her for sex, which was a defiant no.
It gets dark and they're still questioning me. Willow walks in looking a mess, her hair is disheveled, she's got a bloody knife that looks about six inches in her hand, a gun tucked into the waist band of her pants, and blood stains on her white shirt. She rushes upstairs not even noticing us. I start yelling at them to let me go so I can check on her, but they just stare at me like I'm stupid.
"What the fuck are you staring at let me go!" I start screaming at them.
I hear a sniffle from upstairs,"let him go."
Conner nods at Connie and she gets up and unlocks the handcuffs. I rush upstairs to Willow. When I get to her room she's curled in a ball on her bed, her face is tear stained, and there are a two fresh cuts on her wrist. I'm instantly worried. "Oh baby." she lifts up her head when she hears my voice.
"I wanted you to leave." her voice is cold.

"Not without you," I walk over to her bed and pick her up. I walk into her bathroom and sit her on the closed toilet seat. I rummage through her cabinets until I find a first aid kit, I set it on the counter and open it up. I remove Snowflakes shirt. She wearing a black lacy bra. I kneel down in front of her.
"Kai what are you doing,"

"You're all bruised up Snowflake I need to be able to fix your wounds."
She nods and I continue to clean her wounds. She winces a few times but never indicates for me to stop so I don't. When I get down to her wrist I stop. I look into her brown-blue orbs.
I shake my head and continue cleaning,"Why do you do this to yourself Snowflake?"

"It's the least I could do."

I sigh and when I finish I bring her arm up to my lips and kiss it. She winces, "You need to stop doing that Kai."


"Because it makes my stomach feel weird."

"Is it only when I kiss your wrist," I smirk.

She blushes,"no."

I kneel down and plant a kiss on her collar bone," how about here."
She doesn't say anything but the pink in her cheeks is more obvious. I continue to kiss her, on her neck, shoulder, collar, anywhere I can get my lips. I level my face with hers and gaze into her eyes, their darkened with what I can only assume is lust.
"Kai," she breathes out.

"Tell me what you want." I cup her face gently,"Tell me Willow or I won't do it."

"Kiss me," she orders and I do. I smash my lips against hers the instant the words leave her mouth. Her tongue enters my mouth and I moan. I can't seem to get enough of her. She puts hands against my chest and pulls away. She looks upset,"I can't do this to you, Kai."
"What do you mean."

"I can't sit here and let you fall for me."

"You aren't going to stop me the more you push me away the more I'll come back."

"Fuck, Kai just leave. Don't you understand look at me, I'm a mess, you're as good as dead with me." she tries to walk out of the bathroom.

I catch up to her and grab her arm,"No Willow you're the one that doesn't understand, I want to be here, I want to be with you, you aren't getting rid of me."

"I'M A FUCKING MONSTER KAI!" she screams at me.

I shake my head,"No, no you're not a monster."

"I killed two people today! I didn't even know them, but that didn't stop me, I still did it, I've killed so many." She falls to the ground," There's so much blood on my hands I can't even see skin anymore. I should be in jail Kai, killed, but I'm not. I'm still living." She stands back up and points to the door not looking at me," just go."

"I'm so done with you, all you do is talk about how you're not good for me, how you'll just hurt me or get me killed; you are so consumed with it that you can't even see that every time you push me away you're killing me, every time you're hurt it hurts me, that every time you cry all I want to do is make you smile again. Fuck Willow, I don't even know what you're doing to me." I push her against the wall. "Some days I just want to lay around with you, to hold you, kiss you, watch random movies with you."

"Why?" she asks in a whisper.

"I don't know, but what I do know is I want you. You are mine. I don't give a fuck about what you say or do I'm staying." I don't give her time to answer, my lips are on hers. I lift up her legs and they instantly wrap around my waist. She kisses back angrily, but she's not the only one giving angry kisses. I pull back for air, we're both breathing heavily.
"I fucking hate it when you do that," she breathes out. She fists the collar of my shirt and forces her lips back onto mine, I kiss back instantly. I nibble on her bottom lip and she moans and pulls me closer to her. She starts to grind her hips against me, I moan with pleasure. She starts teasing me grinding for a little then stopping.
"Fuck" I mumble against her lips. I feel something hardening in my pants.

She smirks and starts rotating her hips,"what's wrong."

"You know damn well what's wrong, stop doing that or I will take you right here in this bathroom."

"Mmm, is that so," she stops for a little and starts again.

"Yes," I manage to croak out. She unwraps her legs from around me and turns us around so I'm against the wall. She places hot, feathery kisses against my neck while grinding against me. She pulls me down by the collar and whispers angrily in my ear," I do whatever the fuck I want." She slams her lips against mine. My hands find their way to her waist and pull her close. I walk slowly towards the bed and climb on top of her never breaking the kiss. I pull away for a second.
"Tell me to stop Willow, if you don't tell me now I won't be able to control myself."

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