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I found myself thinking of Kai while reading so I couldn't focus on the book. The bell rings and I gather all of my belongings and rush to second block, social studies. Since this class interests me I sit a little towards the front. Some covers my eyes from behind and whisper squeals,"Guess who!"

"Flame? Is that you?"

She uncovers my eyes and sits next to me," How did you know?"

"I'm a pretty good guesser."

She laughs and arches one of her eyebrows,"So are you and the bad boy dating?"


She sighs exhausted,"Kai, dumbass." she mumbles the last part.

"What was that last part?"

She giggles,"Don't worry about that, answer my question."

"No, we aren't," I state.

She giggle again,"So what was that little episode before homeroom?"

"You were watching that!?"

She laughs really loud drawing attention from all around,"Everyone was watching that, I think the entire female population of this school hates you."

I drop my head and my hair curtains my face,"Fuck."

I look up at Flame and she has her head rested on her palm, she's looking up towards the ceiling.

"Who has you wrapped around their finger?"

"Dylan " she breathes out," he so fucking adorable, and sweet, and smart, and..."

"Woah there child, calm your hormones," I interupt her.

She smirks at me,"Says the one being carried by Mr. Muscles."

I playfully punch her arm,"shut up."
The teacher walks in and clears his throat, we give him our attention. When class ends we walk to lunch together. Cold hands crawl around my waist. I wince.

"Sorry babe did I hurt you." Kai's deep voice appears from behind me.

"Why are your hands so cold?"

"I don't know," he starts rubbing his hands together trying to warm them up. Flame tugs on my jacket sleeve and mouths,"You two are so hooked." I silently laugh and shake my head,"No" Kai grabs me again and I welcome his hands now that they're warmer. The three of us indulge in conversion on the way to the lunch room. We enter the lunch room and it pretty much goes silent except for the few people who are talking in the back. Kai leans down and whisper,"You wanna get out of here."
I shrug,"You're paying and we're taking Flame."
He shrugs, grabs my wrist, and drags me towards the door. I call out to Amber and she follows us. We go to Zaxby's eat, and head back to school. Flame leaves since third block is her third block, and Kai and I continue walking in a comfortable silence to math. Instead of attempting to solve the problems on the board I copy Kai's answers since he claims right answers come naturally for him. A tall male figure wearing a military uniform enters the room. Recognition surges through my mind and tears well up in my eyes. I rush to the front of the room to confirm what my eyes have laid before me. When I'm sure it's him I wrap my arms around his torso and pull him close to me. I lose control of my tears and let the fall freely down my face.
"I miss you too sis but can you not cry?"

I sniffle and back away; I nod and wipe my tears. Kai comes down after me.
"Who's this?" Kai asks with a protective tone.

"Oh sorry Kai this is Avery my big brother, Avery this is Kai."
Avery extends his hand and Kai accepts. Avery asks if he can take us out of class and Mr. White is cool with it. We leave the classroom and go to his car. I immediately question him,"Where are we going?"
"Be patient child, why don't you tell me about your new boyfriend?"

"We aren't dating," we both say simultaneously.

"Suuree, like I'm going to believe that." he waves me off.

"We aren't!" I shriek.

"Alright, alright I believe you calm your tits."

I huff out a breath of annoyance," I forgot how aggravating you were."

"Mkay next question, are you still a virgin?" Kai laughs at his question.

"Avery." I mumble in embarrassment.

"What? This is some need to know stuff, I've been gone for 5 years, I deserve an answer."

"Yes." I whisper lightly.

"What's that I didn't here you?"

"Yes I'm still a virgin." I say a little louder.

"That's good, it's nice to know I don't have to kill anyone."
I groan in reply. We pull up next to my house and he starts getting out of the car. I catch up to Avery, Kai lingers behind.

"So what's your new name Conner didn't fill me in on that part?"


"Wow that's a depressing name, I like your real one." he mumbles

"That one is too happy, I'm not a happy child anymore."

"Look Willow," he puts air quotes with his finger when he mentions my name,"You and I went through the same thing, you need to move on."

"Says the one who ran off to the military." I bite at him.

"At least I didn't stay high twenty-four seven," he snaps back.
We enter the house and Conner calls out from the kitchen. "Hey guys!"

"Hey Conner," I reply.

He turns around to look at me," I forgot how much you guys looked alike."
I flip him off and go to my fridge. I grab an apple for me and some cookies for Avery, Kai, and Conner out of my pantry. We all sit down in the living room, Kai and I are on the couch, Avery's on the love seat, and Conner is on the chair. We talk about random things and watch a little bit of TV. Conner and Avery give each other a look and then get up from their seats.
"I'm gonna show Avery around town for a little bit see you guys later."
I nod my head and they leave, as soon as the door locks Kai pounces on me.
"Finally your all mine." he pins my down on the couch and starts tickling me. I burst in a fit of giggles.
"Stop! Kai PLEASE!"

"Neva!" he yells out.
I pull my arm out from under his grip and push away his hands.
"You bitch!"

"You know you like it," he winks at me.
I push him off and sit up.
"Shut up."

"You didn't deny it."

I roll my eyes and punch him in the arm.
"Ow you know I'm sensitive Will."
I laugh and he cups my face. My breathing quickens, and my heart starts racing. He face moves closer to mine.
"What are you doing to me Willow?" he breathes out.

"I could ask you the same."

I couldn't stand it anymore. I press my lips against his. Our lips move together in sync. He pulls me onto his lap and deepens the kiss. I pull away.

"Willow don't tell me to leave, I'll never leave you I don't care how many times you tell me to." He bends down and nibbles on my neck. I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Stay with me," I whisper.

"I won't leave."

We sit on the couch holding each other. Memories start to cloud my mind and tears well up in my eyes. I hold Kai tighter, as if I let go he'll disappear. I lose control of the tears and they spill from my eyes. He starts rubbing my back.
"Please stop crying Snowflake."

I choke on my tears," I can't."

"Then tell me why your crying."

I shake my head," once you hear it all you leave, you'll separate yourself from me... You'll think I'm a monster, you'll want nothing to do with me."

"Willow I just told you I won't leave you, please Snowflake tell me what haunts you."

I pull him close, and shake my head. "It's all my fault, Kai.. I could've saved her... she's dead because of me... I killed her."

"Who Snowflake, who?"

"My sister... she's gone and it's all my fault."

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