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My lips part to answer him but he stops me, "Wait don't answer that."
One of my eyebrows twitch up, giving him a look of confusion.
He sighs deeply," I just wanted to ask you something... I was going to ask you when we were on our date, but you were arrested so that didn't really work out... I've never really done this before so I really don't know what I'm doing honestly.. if you say no I completely understand,I really like you, fuck I love you to be honest it's just,"
I cut him off by kissing him. I pull away slowly and smile at him.

"You talk to much."

He chuckles and rubs his neck nervously," Willow, will you be mine?"

I knew this was going to happen. I was hoping I'd have a little more time, just to make sure I would be able to keep him safe. He combs his hand through his hair in frustration.

"Yes." I say in a whisper.

"Wait, really?"

I nod timidly," Yeah, but..."

He cuts me off by giving me a long passionate kiss. He smiles cheekily when he pulls away. I sigh and look at my feet dangling of the counter.
"Kai, can you give me a few days?"
I look up to meet his eyes and now it's him who's confused.
"What do you mean?"

I look away not being able to meet his eyes," Its just there's a lot of shit going on with the gang right now and I don't want you getting hurt, I can get it clear up and then we can go out but until then we can't be in a real relationship." I start playing with the edge of Kai's jacket afraid he's going to be mad at me. His hand cups my face and forces me to look at him.
"As long as I'll be able to call you mine," he smiles at me.

I shove his chest," you're so cliché."

"You love me though." he replies.

I just off the counter and start walking toward the couch,"Yup," I say pops in the p.

He grabs my wrist and tugs me, causing myself to crash onto his chest," Really?"

I nod at him,"Really. Now can we go watch Toy Story?"

He laughs,"Sure."


Kai is currently snoring like a bull right now. It's about ten and night and we just finished watching a marathon of pixar movies. I slowly push away Kai's arm from my waist, trying not to wake him. When I'm fully out of his grasp I tip-toe to the kitchen grabbing a piece of paper off the counter and a pen. I write a quick note letting Kai know I'll be gone and to text me if he needs me. I silently rush upstairs and put on some pants. I grab my converse out off the floor and slip them onto my feet. I grab my phone off his night stand remembering the events of our date. I shudder at the memory, his face had a look of pure horror. I grab his keys and leave the house. Once I'm fully out of his house I run into the dark night my feet pounding on the concrete. Kai house is pretty close to my gang's headquarters. It takes me about ten minutes to run to the building. Out of breath, I pull open the doors and step inside. There are only twenty people in my gang, at least the ones located in Georgia, and according to Reid, ten of them are going to try to kill me. I walk upstairs and call out for Reid to follow me.
"Yes Ice," he asks when we enter my office.

I motion my hand towards the chair in front of my desk, silently telling him to take a seat.

"Do you know when they plan to attack?"

"Yes ma'am, the plan to keep you busy over night keeping you here for two days. They are going to attack either today or tonight."

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