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I blinked. Once. Twice. I was frozen stiff.


Lies, lies, and more lies, anything that'll get her in my bed. I bit back a smirk as I felt her go stiff in my lap. I looked at her, she was looking down with a pink tint in her cheeks, did I make her blush? She was so beautiful, her long dark wavy hair with silver tips, her brown eyes that faded into icy blue, and full lips. I gently place my finger under her chin and push up so I can see her eyes. I could see the pain in her eyes;  I could tell how hard she tried to hide the pain. I know how to look because I know how to hide. My eyes flickered down to her lips, I felt myself lean in a little. This girl was different, she made me feel different. She was nothing like the girls I've hooked up with, she didn't throw herself at me. In fact, she avoided me, kept distance, and ignored my presence. I wanted, no needed more of her. I wanted to be close to her.
I placed gentle kisses along her jaw line only to come back up and claim her lips as mine, our lips moved in sync as we fought to claim dominance. I felt her pull back, but I held her waist against me. I nuzzled my head in the crook of her neck; I planted another kiss. I felt her shiver.

"You're not leaving yet" I teased.


Conner was mad, like really mad. Let's go back a little mkay. So after Kai and I's make out session he drove me home. I went inside and I couldn't stop thinking of him, so I left my house. I needed to clear my mind so I got on my bike and drove to The Ring. The Ring is an underground fighting group that's pretty much connected to every street fighting unit across the country. I fought, like a lot. And I drank, like a lot. So when I got home at one in the morning with bruises and beer breath, Conner had a right to be mad. I promised Conner I would stop fighting but every now and then I had to let it out. It just so happens that I let it all out by beating the shit out of people.
Eventually, I starting crying screaming for my mother to come back, but it didn't help; she wasn't coming. I fell asleep in a little ball on the couch that night wanting my mother to save me.

I woke up and realized I was clean. Conner must have cleaned me up after last night. I suddenly wanted someone to hold me, to whisper in my ear that everything was okay. My phone dinged from the corner of my room bringing my back to reality

Hey snowflake

Who dis

You don't remember

Remember what- I was curious now

Who ever it was they sent me a kiss emoji

Kai ugh how and why I was trying to forget him. I don't need a distraction. 

How did you get my #

I have my ways ;)

I groaned and got out of bed getting ready for another day in hell. My phone chimed, I ignored it. It chimed again, I continued to ignore it. I put on my burgundy Just Do It Later cropped hoodie, jeans, and burgundy vans. I grabbed my keychain and told Conner to take my other bike. He came downstairs and I tossed him the keys. We went outside and rode to school. When I entered building all eyes were on me, I mean all of them. I was uncomfortable with having this much attention so I tilted my head so my hair would cover my face and walk faster towards my locker. I sighed when I got there; Kai in all glory was standing right next to MY locker with a black rose and a small black teddy. He looks up and smiles; I melt a little and reluctantly walk over to him.

"Why are you by my locker," I ask.

"I have some business to attend to" he smirks.

"And what would that be" I use my baby voice while playing with my fingers. If only he knew how much I was laughing inside.

He smiles, leans down to my ear and whispers,"To claim you as mine"
My jaw drops, and he leaves. I didn't even notice when he placed the rose in my hair.

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