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We reached the carnival just as the sun was going down. Thankfully Kyle didn't call the cops after I texted him. I put my phone in my pocket and my door opens.

Reid extends his arm," m'lady."

I chuckle and take his hand as he pulls me out of the car. He laces his fingers through mind as he guides me to the entrance of the carnival. He pays for our entrée and I immediately take the lead steering him to a cotton candy stand.

"Seriously cotton candy?"

"I haven't had any since I was eight."


I get two cotton candy cones since Reid doesn't like it. I got both pink and blue, but made Reid hold the pink one while I ate the blue one.

"Hm, two questions; one, why do you have chopsticks in your pocket? Two why are you using them to eat your cotton candy?"

"Well you never know when you're gonna need them, and I eat cotton candy with chopsticks so they'll never catch my pickin' cotton."

"Yeah and I'm the idiot."

"Totally. Hey let's go on all the roller coasters."

"Why else would we be at a carnival."

"Alright whatever. come on let's go!"

I start running and he runs after me. I run to the first ride I see which is a carousel.

"Hurry up!" I yell out to Reid.

I get in the short line for the ride. Reid gets behind me just as it ends.

"Slow poke."

"Shut up."

"Make me." I taunt.

"I will, but you might moan a little."

I shove him with my free hand," idiot"

"Careful, you'll drop the candy."

"Oh no my baby!" I scream as I stare at the ground."

"I'm fine Violet."

"Not you, my candy fell," I whine as I look at the little blue puff on the concrete.

"Damn, my feelings."

"Suck it up."

We get on the carousel and I climb onto a horse and Reid stands with the pole next to me. The ride starts and I snack on my cotton candy. Reid stands with a look of ultimate boredom on his face.

"Ugh this this is so slow and boring," he groans.

"That's because you aren't doing it right."

"What's that's supposed for mean?"

"Watch and learn young one," I say as I rise from the horse.

"I'm older than you."

I press my finger to his lips standing under him,"shh, doesn't matter."

I rake a bite out of the candy in his hands and poke him on the shoulder.

"Tag. you're it."

I run away from him before he can react. I hide behind a different horse by the time he's caught up. He stands in front of it while I'm on the other side. He reaches out to grab me and I duck away from his hand. He moves the the side of the horse in attempts to grab me but I laugh and escape through the other side. We play until the ride ends.

I poke Reid's chest," haha I win."

"Whatever," he moves my finger off him.

"ooh, bumper cars."

"Oh no."

"Oh yeah," I grab his hand and drag him the direction of the attraction.

Reid tugs on my hand," the line's too long let's just go on the roller coaster"

"Yeah ok."

He guides me to the direction of the roller coaster and we walk onto the ride since it was loading. we get into the last open seats. The ride starts off slow, climbing up a hill. We sit at the top for a few seconds before it drops straight down. I start screaming as it drops and Reid laughs. I have a death grip on the bar. The ride continues at high speed with a few more drops and hills included. When the roller coaster finishes we continue to ride all of the attractions including, bumper cars, the log ride, the tilt-a-whirl, and the wave swinger. We finally came across the ferris wheel a few minutes before the carnival closed. We bored the ride and we were slowly lifted into the air.

"I forgot what this looked like."

"Hm?" Reid hums his eyes half closed, body completely relaxed.

"The new york lights."

"You've seen it before."

"The first time I ran away I can to New York."

"You went from Georgia to New York, how?"

"My dad's stupid rich and he sends me checks every month for compensate for not being there when my mom died."


"That's how I afford all my stuff."

"If you have money why are still in the gang."

I look around and we're back on the ground.

"Oh look the ride is over."

"Wait Violet-"

I climb out and stretch my hand out to him. I flash him a fake smile.

"Come Reid, we gotta go back now Kyle might call the cops."

He presses his lips together and nods. He laces his fingers through mind and we walk out of the carnival in silence.

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