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It's been a week. After Willow was taken during our date I've stayed at home and school. Conner and Avery have kept me updated letting me know what was happening and how they were handling everything. Whenever they went to the station I tried to go with them but they kept telling me she didn't want to see me. So I stayed at home her words replaying in my mind every time I think of her.

I love you too

I crash my fist against the wall next to me leaving a hole. If she loves me why won't she let me see her? This isn't right, I approached her looking for a good lay and now look what's happened. I got myself involved with this girl, fell in love with her, and I'm not even dating her. I've never felt this way. I'm mad, blaming myself for her getting taken.


That's what I've been asking myself every day. If I didn't stop her that day, if I didn't take her from class, if I didn't pick her up in the middle of the night. Maybe if I had just stayed away from her I wouldn't have these feelings, these emotions that pull me towards her, that make me want to hold her all day, that rip my heart to sheds knowing that she doesn't want to see me. Some days I wonder if she's sitting in her room away from me thinking the same way I do. My doorbell rings and I walk out of my room to answer. Avery is standing at the door.

"She's getting out today, I'm picking you up so you can see her."

"Does she finally want to see me?" I ask full of hope.

"No, but it's obvious it's tearing you and her apart from separation. Come on." he starts walking towards the car. Another fraction of my heart is cracked from knowing she still doesn't want to see me. We get settled in the car and he turns the key and drives off. We ride in silence until Avery says something strange.

"Thank you."

"For what?" I curiosity laces through my voice.

"For making, my sister feel again. When our mother and sister died she shut everything out, she went around acting like a badass, like nothing could hurt her. Even though there were still people out there she cared about she never showed weakness, she never cried, never said anything that would make you assume she was hurting inside. The only thing that let me know she was still in pain was that the slightest thing would tip her over the edge. She started getting mad instead of sad." his eyes flashed hurt before the retreated back to normal.

"Your welcome I guess."

He nods and we continue in silence. We arrive at the police station and I notice Snowflake's motorcycle in front. Avery notices my observation.
"Conner rode it here earlier,  she'll be riding in my car on the way back home."
I nod and we shuffle into the station. Police are every where discussing gang related things I don't care about. Avery leads me to the back of the station where we come from Will. Conner is leaning against the cell while an officer unlocks the cell door and Willow nods to him stepping out. When she's completely out of the cell our eyes look. No emotion runs through her eyes, I try to decipher something but there's nothing. I take in her appearance. Her hair is braided into two French braids, she's wearing an orange jumper with the top tied around her waist and a black tank top. The office hands her a brown bag most likely holding her belongings and she walks towards my direction Conner trailing after her. She walks right past me not even acknowledging my existence. All of us tag along behind her not saying a word. We leave the station and she keeps walking past the car and towards the street.
"Where are you going!" Conner yells.

"Away." she yells back and continues.
I run forward and throw her over my shoulder. She attacks my back but I make no effort to put her down. I continue walking towards the car.
"Put me down dickhead."

"Not after all you just put me through." I snap.
She stops struggling and her body stiffens, taken back by my words. I make it all the way to the car and put her in the back seat. When I close the door Avery is already making his way over to the driver's side.
"Take us to my house," I tell him. He nods and starts getting in. I get in after him and he drives off in the direction of my home. The car ride is silent the whole way and when we do arrive home I have to practically drag Willow out of the car.

"Violet!" Avery booms.
This makes both of us freeze. Snowflake slowly lifts her head up to look at him.

"Don't call me that." she seethes.

"I will call you whatever the fuck I want now get out of my fucking car and go with him. What the hell is wrong with you anyway, acting like you're some badass because you were in jail," he yells.

To my surprise, she listens and when she closes the door he drives off leaving us in my driveway. She tries to run but I stop her by grabbing her waist. I drag her inside and lock the door behind me.
"What are you doing to me Snowflake?" I grab a handful of hair in my hands.


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