Fashion: Practical Hunting in Style!

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Hey Collective!

So for all the Hunters out there that like to track down the Preternatural individuals that we need brought in dead or alive or...well, you know, we decided to help you out with some tips on how to do so in a practical fashion while still looking absolutely fabulous!

Overall look:
Does your mission call for you to hide within the shadows at night? You'll want to dress in darker blues, as opposed to straight black, as the night sky is actually a deep blue. You'll also want to stick low to the ground, where the shadows are, because looking down at the ground, everything looks black, and looking up at the sky, something black would stick out.

But if you're working with daywalkers or amongst the living who are blinded to the paranormal? You'll want to dress in regular clothes. Dress as one of them, or you'll stand out, or worse! What if you come across a non-sanctioned freelance Hunter?

And remember, the Clipboard of Authority can be picked up in room 23, subsection A in the sixth level basement. It'll get you in most places. 

And always, always remember that to those that can see beyond the Veil, you can't hide your heat signature or aura or living energies without the appropriate talisman or artifact!

Remember, while leather is protective against abrasions and rain, it is hard to repair. On that note, it may seem like a good idea to dress in a leather bodysuit for your missions, but please avoid this! If you're the type to sweat because you're a mortal with functional sudoriferous glands, you'll squeak and make odd farting noises as the moist air compresses within such a confined space. They also don't really allow for full range of motion, or swelling from wounds (and now you have to cut off your stylish get up!), and chafs like hell! If you're going to have leather, it's in the coat or the boots.

No corsets. No lace. You want to breathe, and the preternatural creatures shouldn't care about how tight your waist appears. And lace is just impossible to clean and tears so easily! Maybe consider a practical t-shirt, or linen blouse. Possibly a sweater if it gets cold (and around the ghosts, it will!)

NO LEATHER, unless they're your chaps on the motorcycle (and definitely wear a helmet. While we still employ undead and ghostly Hunters, we'd prefer to keep a balanced ratio). 

Jeans don't really stretch or move or allow for full range of motion, so consider something that can stretch while still protecting your legs. Polyester doesn't burn nice, and can stick to your skin like the plastic it is, and stripping off your pants in the middle of a mission can get very awkward.

Workboots, preferably steel toed. Or, comfortable running shoes, if that's more your style. But please don't wear heels, especially black leather thigh highs. Just...that's not necessary. Your legs and butt already look so fantastic, and taking in your target is more important. 

NECROCITY TIMES - Issue #1 - HALLOWEEN SPECIALWhere stories live. Discover now