Chapter 2

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Bella POV

Rosalie was smiling the moment she saw me walking towards her but one look at the surprise on my face and her smiled turned into a frown. "You didn't know it would be me," she muttered looking down.

I sat down without turning away from the blonde vampire. By the time I was sitting I had hit the table several times. I was so surprised yet so happy to see her I was afraid if I looked away she would be gone. It wasn't necessarily her I was happy to see, I would be happy to see any of the Cullen's or any vampire, I was just happy they existed. He promised it would be like he never existed but looking at Rosalie was prove enough that he did exist. Proof he couldn't keep his promise. And if he didn't keep his promise why should I keep mine? First step was to talk to Rosalie then I can plan.

"What can I get you ladies to drink?" the waitress asked. We both ordered cokes though Rosalie would never drink hers.

"This is more complicated than I thought," Rosalie said when the waitress left. She wasn't looking at me. "How did you not know it was me? I gave you clues."

I racked my brain trying to figure out what clues she gave me. She finally looked at me. "I left the rose and used the violet ink," she explained. The rose made sense now but the violet ink did not.

"How was the ink a clue?" I asked.

"Ed..." I flinched and Rosalie stopped saying his name. "He never told you about my past?" I shook my head. "Makes sense, well my eyes were violet when I was human."

"How do you know I love Journey?" I questioned. Even he didn't know that.

"I overheard you talking to Emmett and you mentioned it," she replied. It took me a minute but I also remembered that conversation. Emmett and I were talking about our favorite things. It was similar to the conversation I had in the Volvo but with Emmett isn't was a lot more relaxed.

The waitress returned with our drinks and asked us if we wanted any appetizers. I looked at Rosalie and she shrugged as if to say it was up to me. I picked out a sampler figuring I would have more time to talk to Rosalie the longer I took here. "Why did you come?"

Rosalie looked away and I took that as a sign she wasn't going to answer so I tried a different question. "Where is Emmett?" I wasn't aware they could go more than a few hours without each other but here she was and my favorite brother was nowhere in sight.

Still she didn't answer. "Was it you?" I tried. "That person that took me home after... was it you?"

"It was," Rosalie said finally answering a question. "You were so out of it. I'm not surprised you didn't realize it was me. Who did you think was going to be here? You were surprised it was me but you still came."

"I thought it was Jasper," I said blushing. It seemed crazy now thinking Jasper would show up here just to see me. I'm sure he had more important things to do then come see the human that ruined his control.

"Why would you think Jasper was coming?" Rosalie asked confused.

"In your note you mentioned forgiving you. I thought Jasper wanted forgiveness for what happened at my birthday party," I said.

For some unknown reason Rosalie winced at the mention of my birthday party. I don't understand why, I remember her face after I was thrown into the table and she looked smug, almost happy. Now she was upset about it? Was it possible vampires could be bipolar? "He does want forgiveness," Rosalie said. "And eventually he will come back asking for it. If he finds out what our leaving has done to you he will hate himself more than he already does. He wanted to stay and so did Alice and Emmett. The rest of us didn't." There was something about the way she said the rest of us that made me wonder.

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