Chapter 4

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Bella POV

I had the weirdest dream. I dreamed Rosalie came back for me, to help me she said, but she wouldn't tell me anything else. It made sense. I wasn't creative enough to make up a possible reason for Rosalie to come back here. Though I wondered why I dreamt of Rosalie instead of him. "Bella," Charlie yelled. "Hurry up; we are leaving in an hour."

I got out of bed and stretched. Movement outside my window caught my eye. I whipped around and saw Rosalie sitting in a tree. I opened my mouth to scream but she was out of the tree and in my room with her hand over my mouth "It's just me Bella," she whispered softly in my ear.

"Last night wasn't a dream," I realized. I rested my head against her cold shoulder. It was oddly comfortable. I glanced at her face and she was frowning at me.

"No Bella, last night wasn't a dream," she said slowly. "I know you are going to La Push, I just wanted to see you before you left. I bought a car that is parked a few miles from here. While you are gone I'm going to get an apartment in Port Angeles, somewhere by the beach. I need a favor before I go."

"What do you need Rosalie?" I asked.

"Well make that two favors," she said. "First call me Rose, it's what my friends and family call me and don't tell Jacob Black I am back. He won't like it."

"Oh yeah, the Quileute's have their stories about vampires. I won't tell," I promised.

"Good," she said. "There's one last thing and then I will leave. Emmett wants to see you. I told him I would talk to you and if you agreed he will come down next weekend."

"Yes," I said a little too loudly. "I would love to see him." Something that looked a lot like hurt flashed through her eyes and I instantly felt guilty.

"Ok then, I will tell him. I need to go or you will be late," she said. She kissed my forehead and jumped out of my window.

I rushed through my shower and threw my clothes on, without getting hurt. When I finished I hurried downstairs and tripped on the last step. Charlie caught me before I fell. "Next time Bells don't wait until the last minute to get ready, then you won't get hurt," he said, steadying me.

Charlie drove my truck to La Push. It took longer but at least we didn't have to sit in the police cruiser. I could practically see Rosalie cringing at the thought of riding in the cruiser. This was the first time I really thought about her, weird. It was surprising; I mean she was incredibly nice last night and this morning. I wish I knew why. I am 100% certain she wasn't being completely honest with me. I doubt she came all the way out here, against her family's wishes, just to help me.

"Bella," Jacob yelled when Charlie cut the engine. "Hey Charlie."

"Hello Jacob," Charlie said. "Good to see you kid. Man you have grown a lot since I last saw you."

Jacob laughed and came to hug me. "It's been a few months since you saw me Charlie," he said. "Come on in.

Charlie went straight to the house while Jacob hung back and waited for me. "Good to see you Bells," he said quietly. "Charlie told my dad you weren't doing well after the Cullens left."

"I'm better Jake," I assured him, though it wasn't completely true. I wasn't doing well until I saw Rosalie last night. I wonder if it was her or just seeing one of them. "You got huge."

Jake stood well over 6' now and was well muscled to the point that it seemed overkill. "You know if we hung out more you may have noticed sooner," Jacob joked. I rolled my eyes at him and followed Charlie inside the house.

"Hey Bella, good to see you," Billy Black said when I got inside. His tone made it sound like he was happy I was away from the Cullens and I was away from them, well all but one. I was thinking about asking Emmett about Rosalie. He might tell me something. "Are you hungry? I was going to have Jacob throw some steaks on the grill."

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