Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

"How did she take it?" I asked hesitantly.

Alice winced and I tensed up. "She's upset," Alice replied slowly. "But Jasper is doing what he can to help."

I knew telling Bella about my feelings toward her in the beginning was a bad idea but Alice insisted. She said it wouldn't be fair to keep it hidden from her. But now my mate was hurt because of her, because of me.

"She's fine Rosalie," Alice said rolling eyes at me. "Jasper explained it to her and she understands."

I glared at my sister but kept my mouth shut. "Is she alright?" I asked. It was hard being away from her, especially for this long.

I could feel her despite how far away she was. It was like a rope that connected us together. The further apart we were the more it hurt. It was worse for newly mated couples than it was for couples who had been together for a while. That was why Alice was calm compared to me. I wonder if Bella could feel it. It was hard to tell with her still being human.

"She's fine," Alice repeated. "She misses you but she is enjoying her time with Jasper. They have a lot in common and it's good bonding for them."

I sighed. I did want them to bond. Out all of us Bella had spent the least amount of time with Jasper because Edward didn't trust him. But I didn't want to be away from her for so long. I still want to know what Bella wanted to talk to him about but Alice refused to tell me. She said it was none of my business.

Emmett had to stop me from attacking her for that comment while Peter told me I needed to get laid. Charlotte smacked him for me as Emmett was still holding onto me. Emmett made me realize that Alice was right. Bella should be able to talk to whoever she wants. But I don't understand why she would want to talk to him instead of me. She should be able to talk to me about anything.

I frowned trying to figure out what Jasper had that I didn't. Did she trust him more than me? No, that didn't seem right. While I knew she trusted him she didn't know him that well. For the most part she knew him as the quiet older brother that stayed back and read our emotions so he could keep us calm.

That was it. I felt like such an idiot and mentally smacked myself. Jasper understood emotions better than anyone. Whatever Bella was feeling he would know and be able to help her through it. Once again I was cursing the fact that I didn't have my sibling's gifts. Normally it didn't bother me but when it came to Bella it did.

"Come on Rose," Alice said pulling into the parking lot of the car dealership.

"Whatever you are planning you better stop," I warned my sister. She was way too excited to be buying a truck for Bella.

I already had the truck picked out. I had it picked out before she asked for a truck. It was a new truck, which I knew was going to upset her, but it was good for her, big and sturdy to help protect her. If she got into an accident she wouldn't be hurt too badly, at least that was my hope. The truck I picked out was a blue Chevy Avalanche. It was one of the nicer ones in my opinion and I really hoped she loved it.

"She will love it," Alice said beside me. "Although I really wish you would have let me pick something more appropriate for her."

I raised a perfect eyebrow at my sister. Appropriate to her meant fast and expensive, and while I had the same taste in cars I knew Bella didn't and I would rather her have a regular car, or truck, that she liked and actually used than an expensive car she didn't like.

"Why don't you get Jasper's motorcycle while I get Bella's truck?" I suggested anything to keep Alice away while I went shopping.

Alice apparently knew that was trying to get rid of her and pouted. "Fine, "she said agreed getting a scary look in her eye. "But I'm getting Bella one too."

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