Chapter 29

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Chapter 29
There's a poll on my profile about which of my two Rosella ideas I should work on first after this story is finished. So, if you're hoping for another Rosella story after this please go vote.

Before anyone panics after this chapter is over I have the next one started and should have it up by the end of the weekend.


The next day I waited for Jasper to pick me up on his motorcycle. We were going to meet Edward at Starbucks in about twenty minutes. Rose had left ten minutes ago with Alice. She didn't say where she was going and I didn't ask. I figured it was shopping and I didn't want to be invited to go along. Alice had watched me the entire time she was here, which wasn't long, and it was weird, like she was up to something.

While I waited for Jasper I decided to clean up a bit. Someone tapped my shoulder while I was vacuuming the living room. I jumped and dropped the vacuum. "Jesus Christ," I screamed over the sound of the vacuum.

I whipped around and found Jasper laughing at me. "Sorry Bella," he said after grabbing the vacuum and turning it off. "I did call your name a few times but you didn't hear me. Are you ready to go?"

"Yes," I said. "Let me put the vacuum away and go grab my helmet and we can go."

I turned to roll up the cord of the vacuum. I put the vacuum away and when I turned around to head for the garage I saw Jasper was holding my motorcycle helmet. I rolled my eyes at him. "I could have done that," I told him.

Jasper shrugged. "I know," he said.

I narrowed my eyes at him. It sounded like he was trying to get me out of the house though I had no idea why. I followed him outside to the motorcycle. "Do you want to drive?" he asked.

I took the offered keys and climbed onto the bike with Jasper's help. I drove slower than I should have, and a lot slower than Jasper would have liked, but we made it to Starbucks in one piece. That was really all that mattered. We took our helmets off. Jasper took mine and escorted me inside the shop.

Edward was waiting for us when we arrived. "Bella," he greeted with a smile. He turned to Jasper. "Jasper."

"Edward," Jasper returned. "I will be next door if you need me," he told me. He looked to Edward. "Don't do anything stupid," he added before leaving.

"Hi," I said, not quite what sure to say to him.

"Hi," Edward said. "Do you want something to drink, or eat?"

I patted my pockets and found them empty. "I... uh... don't have any money with me," I said blushing. "Jasper didn't give me any time to grab anything." I frowned wondering why he was in such as hurry to leave.

"That's okay," he said pulling out his wallet. "I'll pay." I opened my mouth to protest but he cut me off. "It's the least I can do after everything I did to you, and Rosalie."

I picked out hot chocolate and a blueberry muffin. The cashier handed me the muffin and Edward and I made our way to the table he picked out while we waited for my drink. "So," I said awkwardly.

"So," he repeated. "I'm sorry about Charlie. I know you wanted to protect him from all of this."

"Thanks," I agreed taking a bite of the muffin. "It's not as bad as I thought it would be. He's not mad at me. I thought he would be. I'm just happy I can still see him, sort of."

"He seems to be adjusting well and he will get better," Edward said. The barista called his name and he got up to get my drink. He handed it over when he returned. "I saw his thoughts last night. His thoughts were focused on you, on protecting you, on getting control so he can be around you."

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