Chapter 3

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This chapter has some bad language cause lets face it, it's Rosalie.

Also a lot of peope seemed interested in her POV so I will be alternating between the two. Next will be Bella.

This is mostly a repeat of what happened in the last two chapters but I didn't repeat the entire conversation they had.

Thanks for the reviews and alerts!

Rosalie POV

"I have to go back," I told Emmett. We were taking the time to hunt before our family meeting.

"I know you do," Emmett said. That's what I loved about him. He never tried to stop me from doing something but he would give me reason why he thought it was a bad idea. Most of the time it was a good idea, it stopped me from killing Edward a bunch of times. "But you need to wait at least until Edward is gone." I growled at the mention of my idiot brother.

"Rose, I know you hate him but is it necessary to growl every time he is mentioned?" Emmett asked. I laughed at that, Emmett hated him almost as much I do. He hated that Edward made him leave his baby sister.

"Hate is too kind of a word," I said throwing the dead animal. "But to answer your question, yes I do. You didn't see her when Edward left. It was like she died. I promised I would go back for her Emmett and that was two months ago." I instantly regretted mentioning how Bella was when Edward left. Emmett eye's darkened and he was growling.

"Wait for Dickward to leave then go back," Emmett said. I laughed at the nickname.

"Thanks for everything Em," I said hugging my ex-husband.

"Anytime Rose and don't feel guilty. Alice had a vision of my mate and she is smoking hot." I growled, not at the thought of Emmett having a mate, he deserved some happiness after all this time, but at the thought of someone being hotter than me. Emmett chuckled before continuing, "Alice said it won't happen for another ten years or so but what's ten years for a vampire?"

"Let's head back," I suggested. My hope was the sooner we got back to the house the sooner Edward would leave.

Sure enough when we got to the house Esme was begging Edward not to leave. "Edward, please don't go," Esme begged. I rolled my eyes. He was going to go and act the victim in this. He didn't give a damn about Bella. All he cared about was himself. I sighed thinking about Bella.

He turned and glared at me and I smiled pleasantly much to Emmett's amusement. "Stay away from my Bella," Edward growled. Edward knew the truth. That's why he made everyone leave her in the first place. Alice saw it, Bella and I would be together sooner or later. Personally I preferred sooner. I growled at him. He had no right to call her his Bella. She was mine.

"Rosalie," Carlisle said. Of course he would defend the golden boy. "Bella won't tell anyone about us. There is no need to go back and kill her."

I snarled at him. How dare he suggest I want to kill her? She is my mate. I would never hurt her in any way, unlike Edward. Edward winced. If only the family knew the truth. Emmett held me back to keep me from attacking Carlisle.

While I fought against Emmett Edward grabbed his bags and left. If he wasn't such a wimp I would have thought he was going back to Bella. Carlisle had to go the hospital and Esme left to hunt. Emmett waited until they were gone before he released me. "He's gone," I said. "Now I am going back to her."

Emmett smiled. "Good, she is going to need you. Do you have a plan?"

"I do," I answered. "I will leave her a note with a place to meet me and I will give her clues as to who I am. It will be her choice on whether or not she comes."

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