Chapter 7

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Rosalie POV

"Dude she felt you up and you did nothing?" Emmett asked, as I filled him in on the events of the last week. I hate it when he calls me 'dude' but it's Emmett, he will never stop and if you tell him you don't like it he will do it more often. I learned that the hard way.

I sighed. I probably should not have mentioned that to him, at least not at first. Now that was going to be his focus. "She was asleep Emmett," I said. "What was I supposed to do?" Emmett opened his mouth to say something but I stopped him. No doubt he was going to say something sexual and it would piss me off because he would be right. "I take that back. I don't want you to answer that."

"When do I get to see her?" Emmett asked. He drained another bear as he waited for me to answer. I met him near Port Angeles where my apartment was so we could hunt. Emmett hasn't been around humans much since we left and I didn't want any issues when he was around my Bella, though I was certain he would never hurt her. He loved her too much to hurt her but accidents did happen.

I checked my watch. "She won't be out of school for another two hours. I told her we would pick her up from school," I informed him. She was so excited Emmett was coming she wanted to skip school but I told her I needed to hunt and she finally agreed to go. Typical Bella, she will agree to do something just so I won't be uncomfortable. "How mad is Carlisle?"

"I thought you talked to him," Emmett said confused.

"I did," I said snorting. It wasn't much of a conversation. "But it is Carlisle; he's not going to tell me how angry he is over the phone, especially when he thinks I might hurt Bella in retaliation." Like I could ever hurt her, even if I wanted to.

"He's mad you went against his orders," Emmett confessed. "He can't understand why you got involved in a decision regarding Edward's mate." I growled and he raised his hands. "His words not mine. I tried to tell him I didn't think Bella was Edward's mate but Carlisle wouldn't listen to me."

"I love Carlisle but he is a fool sometimes," Rosalie muttered. "He is completely blinded by Edward."

"Everyone was blinded by Edward," Emmett said. "How could we have been so stupid?"

I shook my head. "Even if I told them the truth they would have never have believed me." Emmett looked like he wanted to protest. "I'm the Ice Queen remember? They won't believe me over the Golden Boy."

We walked through the forest back to my apartment. "Alice and Jasper said if we wanted to leave the family then they would follow us."

"We can't ask them to do that," I said, though I would love to go away. "Where would be go anyway?" I didn't mention I would never leave Bella.

"Jasper mentioned we could go to Texas with Peter and Charlotte. We obviously wouldn't be able to keep the name Cullen so Jasper offered to let us use Whitlock," Emmett said. This is one of the few times I had ever seen him act mature and serious. The other time was when Edward forced us to leave Bella and Emmett refused on my behalf, as well as his own. I couldn't fight for Bella so Emmett did it for me and I couldn't be more grateful.

"I'm not leaving Bella," I said firmly. "Not again. I promised I wouldn't leave her again."

Emmett held up his hands. "I never said you should leave her." He pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to me. A quick look told me it was new identities for Bella. "Jasper called Jenks after you came back here, had him make new identities for Bella in case something happened and we needed to get her out of Forks." I read the IDs; one said Isabella Marie Whitlock, the other read Bella Marie Hale. "Jazz thought you might like the second one. Obviously she wouldn't be able to use it when we started going to school again but it's still nice. He made one more just in case." I took it and it read Isabella Marie McCarty, Emmett's human last name. My guess was we would say she is Emmett's sister.

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